View Full Version : Worried sick about my 15 year old son

25-10-12, 04:07
I am so worried about my son. He seems to always be sick with something. I have a huge fear of cancer for myself and my kids. I have had him in to see the doctor a fair amount and had him have bloodwork in June that came back ok. He's also in hockey and volleyball so he doesn't get much time to rest. I am just worried cause he's always tired, kind of pale and just sick with colds a lot. I am sick with worry that it's something serious and something is going to happen to him.

25-10-12, 09:24
If his blood tests came back ok I am sure he will be fine. I have always been the same worrying about my kids. I work in a school with teenagers and going through puberty can be a strain on all of them. If he is eating healthy I am sure he will be fine or you could get vitamin supplements for teenagers.

25-10-12, 10:05
Maybe he's just naturally pale?
What do mean by sick?
Does he feel sick?
Or is it just a minor cold that's not gone away?

Try not to pass your fears onto him.

26-10-12, 00:47
No hes not always pale, and it just seems like he gets one cold after another! Hes really active and everything, just seems kind of sickly. Im scared something serious is wrong.

26-10-12, 02:02
If he is really active and eats well then I would't worry. Some people do catch cold more than others especially in school.