View Full Version : hot !

25-10-12, 10:29
I've always been a 'cold' person, always feeling the cold and brought up in a warm house with the heating on and i always used to have cold hands and feet all the time, but lately ive noticed im always hot! my feet often feel like they are sweating and i have to put them out of the bed a tnight or put cold water on them and my hands are always sweaty. Im sat in my office now with just a t.shirt on!? is this anxiery? what else could this be? its really annoying!

25-10-12, 10:41
Anxiety can cause that. Sorry I don't know your age but I get like that going through the menopause. If you are younger than, that won't be the case for you :D

26-10-12, 16:18

Im 34 so not quite that age yet, but not far off. I think its probably just one of those things that is 'all in your head'!
