View Full Version : Doing so well, now worrying about my groin lymph nodes! Help!

25-10-12, 17:59
I have been doing really well for the past while, gradually learning to relax and trust my body to keep itself healthy.
As most of you probably know I am really focused on lumps and bumps. I have gradually reduced the areas of lymph nodes I check and the frequency at which I check them. I am only really checking my neck and collarbone areas as this is where I have had swollen nodes in the past.
When I was getting ready my hand brushed against a swelling in my upper inner thigh. I panicked and ended up late for my lift to work I was so stressed about the lump. I went to the toilet straight away and I now can't find the original lump but I can feel lots of medium sized bumps which I presume are lymph nodes. They are firm and vary in size , some are about 2cm and round but some are very small. I cant find anything online to see what size these nodes should be.
Just to clarify their location, they are around the tendon right at the top of my inner thigh, on either side, maybe about an inch down from my private parts. Roughly where the seam sits on the crotch of my trousers!
Do you even have lymph nodes here? If you do, what are they called and what size should they be? I know they are probably nothing (which is a big improvement on a few weeks ago, when I would have been in tears) but i just need a little reassurance that someone else is lumpy here.

Anxious lu
25-10-12, 20:12
Hey not long ago I was obsessed with checking for swollen lymphe nodes I used to get my sister to check and I'd check myself.. First thing in the morning and all day.

I was convinced my groin ones were swollen because I could feel loads of little bumps under the skin all on the area I could feel loads in my tummy too.
still can.. I think it's normal.

My sister said she has them and they are just like gristle or fatty lumps and flesh.. I've had tonnes of tests done for various reasons and I'm fine so I'm sure you are.

I hear that nodes though can come up for numerous reasons even a cut or scratch can cause swelling.

25-10-12, 20:19
Thanks for the reply. I check mines all the time, I compare myself to my boyfriend all the time, which is stupid as he has an athletic figure whereas I am very petite but with a bit of meat on my bones, so it would make sense that if i pull at my skin there are little lumps in it!

I am just concerned as these feel quite large to me and I have had a pain in my side which will not go away, plus I have a mole on my scalp which looks horrible, and a big lump on my back, so I am now convinced that I have skin cancer which has spread to my back, ribs and lymph nodes!

25-10-12, 21:45
Google enlarged lymph nodes in groin , click on images ,
There are no lymph nodes in the thighs , the next nodes down from the groin are behind the knee.

25-10-12, 22:06
I just went on google and I think it is my femoral lymph nodes.

Anxious lu
26-10-12, 11:28
How funny I used to check my boyfriends too and worry that we weren't the same but he too is athletic and really tall and I'm short and have some meat.. He stopped letting me check because he said we aren't built the same it's stupid..

I'm sure your okay the best thing you can do is to talk to your doctor.. When I spoke to mine I said how do I check other nodes and she said of your nodes were swollen you wouldnt hae to check you would know..

28-10-12, 10:54
Hi there all, thank god! iam not going mad! iam a lady of 6ft and for the past 8wks i can feel when pressing in to the top of my groin small peasize moverbale ball that feel horrible as they move. I to went to docs and she said that it dosent seem to be that big, but i have others that are really small and unless you know where to look you cant really find them but i know now ther there! and it really bothers me, so i to keep feeling them and now iam making my groin tender by keep touching it, i also have a mucus sac cysts on my private part on the left side (labia)which has been there for sometime been to the docs about that and seen to docs and both said it was a mucus sac cysts and not to worry could this be the reason or can people feel there lymph nodes in there groin and be nothing wrong i have had my smear test back saying normal and was check for STIs and that was clear as i been with my husband for years now iam a worrier about my health but knowone has told me wheather or not you can feel lymph nodes in your body and not have a problem as i say unless i press for them you cant see them as a lump on my skin kim xx:weep:

28-10-12, 18:59
Mines are the same. I usually pinch my skin to feel them, i can feel them by prodding the skin also.
I read that 2cm can be normal for nodes in this area and young people can commonly have larger nodes for no reason. Does 23 count as young?

29-10-12, 15:33
HI There lo89 as i said, on the left side of my groin ican feel just under the skin skin a peasize ball that moves you still cant see them through the skin but i know its there and it is a lymph node its so easy now to find and i cant stop feeling it hoping it hasnt got any bigger which to me it hasnt but ive done the wrong thing now by checking the other side and its abit smaller and harder to find can they be slightly different sizes iam 35 yrs old what did your doc say to you about them? and have you had bloods done what was the out come ??? and how big are yours sorry for all the question but worried kim xx:weep:

---------- Post added at 15:33 ---------- Previous post was at 14:47 ----------

HI all, PLEASE, PLEASES someone help! ive been worring so much of late since having my 5th baby back in may 4wks later i got a goitre in the throut with nodules and had to have half my thyroid taken out since then i have been checking my whole body over to find small peasize moverball ball lymph nodes in my groin on the left side is it normal for people to feel them i think my doc said they were superfical lymph nodes and didnt seem that bothered as they were still within the size of a big pea?? how ever had to have some bloods taken friday just gone and waiting for results really really worried if anyone has had this please reply kim:weep:

29-10-12, 16:49
You are only finding these things because you are looking for them. If your doctor has checked it out then it will be fine. Sometimes they swell up and never go back down.

30-10-12, 18:46
I have two swollen lymph nodes groin area. Both as big as small marbles. one is quite painful the other is not. Now have 6 swollen nodes.

30-10-12, 23:34
I just noticed further nodes under my chin. I get quite a lot of spots just before my period and a few have appeared today, I noticed them this morning and the lymph node was noticed about an hour ago. Does anyone know if spots can cause lymph nodes to enlarge?
Alma, has a doctor diagnosed them as being swollen or do they just feel swollen?

31-10-12, 15:19
Dr said ones behind my ear are swollen. One in my groin he could not find. But I know it's there, think it goes up and down. Got another one on collar bone now, so now I have lipoma and swollen node. Am trying to not look for others as I am sure I will find them . Do not see doctor till next Tuesday. Having lipoma ultrasound scan next week as well and really stressing about that!

31-10-12, 16:06
I can imagine! As you know I also have a lipoma on my back which I worry about - I have been told that I can have it checked by ultrasound if I would like, but I think I will monitor it for a while to see how it goes. I read somewhere that lipomas can cause swollen nodes, don't know how accurate that is though?

31-10-12, 16:14
Could be true I suppose. Don't want the ultrasound, but keep getting collar bone pain near the lipoma so don't have much choice. Cried through my last ultrasound I was so scared. :weep:

31-10-12, 16:36
What's a limpoma?

31-10-12, 16:47
I know what you mean! It is always better to get checked. My collar bones ache but all I can feel is tendons which I can follow up to my neck so I am guessing mines is just tension from a heavy bag and being stressed out because of uni pressures!
My lipoma doesn't hurt any more thank goodness.
I also get really stressed out by medical procedures... I was getting ultrasounds done whilst pregnant and I freaked out even at that! I fainted during a dental x ray and I'm not even scared of the dentist. Getting bloods done is just horrific!
What day is your ultrasound?

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

What's a limpoma?
a lump of fatty tissue under the skin. Feels scary as hell - I was convinced it was a tumour - but they are totally harmless (doesn't stop me worrying)

31-10-12, 17:06
My ultrasound is next Tuesday afternoon so perhaps have a diazapam before I go. I am terrible with tests, have ran out of A and E when they tried to do a chest x- ray and cry throughout every procedure so know where you are coming from :hugs:

31-10-12, 17:41
My ultrasound is next Tuesday afternoon so perhaps have a diazapam before I go. I am terrible with tests, have ran out of A and E when they tried to do a chest x- ray and cry throughout every procedure so know where you are coming from :hugs:

That is partly why I avoid going to my doctor again with my lymphoma worries. What if she sends me to do a scan of my lymph node, or what if she looks for other lymph nodes?
Last time I had a mammogram they wanted to complete it with an ultrasound, and I was almost crying, and my whole body was shaking, during the scan. I can't handle these situations very well at all!

31-10-12, 17:46
Alma and Justina it is horrible isn't it! Good luck for Tuesday - I am sure everything will be fine.:hugs:
Justina, yes your doctor may so these tests. Nit because they are worried about you being seriously ill, but to reassure you that you are not. They mean well. In the long run, if these fears are persistent then it is beat to get them checked out. :hugs:

31-10-12, 18:38
Thanks am dreading Tuesday obviously am already convinced have advanced cancer that has spread to lymph nodes etc etc. Justina I agree with lo89, tests are to reassure you, it is very hard when you are anxious to have them, but it can save you a lot of unnecessary worrying. my husband refuses to attend appointments with me now as I am such an embarrassment. lol Take care x