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View Full Version : Blob in my eye when I blink

25-10-12, 18:29
I had a migraine earlier this week and now I have a blob in my left eye when I blink. I cant see it unless I blink. Its like an oval shape and is see through not solid and is on the periferal of my vision not in the centre. sometimes it seems a bit shimmery like when I get a migraine aura.
Now all I do is keep blinking to see if it is there which it is.
When I look a the computer screen and blink its grey/pink. when I look at something blue it looks orange. Its only in my left eye and I cant see it if I shut my eyes where as I can when it is a migraine aura. I cant see if it I blink when I am in a room with the lights dimmed.
I have no other symptomes

I'm really stressed and worried now and have started taking my tranquilisers.

I have to go away this weekend as my daughter is unwell so cant see a doc till I get back.

Anybody else get this?

25-10-12, 21:40
Hi brandy.
I get optic migraines, maybe once, twice a year, and although harmless and painless, they shake me up. I fear them. I also get vision problems such as , grainy vision , sparks , spots of blue , floaters all caused by stress and anxiety , I have my eyes checked every two years their fine. But one thing similar to you is , sometimes when I'm stressed , i get what looks to be like a after image of a camera flash , not visible until I blink whilst looking at a bright surface, it may be related to migraine , but what I've tried , ( not easy I know ) try to relax a little and accept its there , it won't harm you , and I've found it goes quite quickly . Anxiety is like the school bully , fear him and he'll make your life a missary , ignore and stand up to him and he'll go away.
Any way try that and let us know how you get on.
Take care

26-10-12, 14:30
Thank you for your reply. Thats very helpful
I have exactly what you describe. Its like a large oval shape and when I am looking at the computer screen and blink its a bright blue ring more transparent in the middle. When I look at the ceiling and blink its grey.

I've had it for a few days now and still have a headache so hoping it will go away when the headache goes.

I'll try and do what you suggest and ignore it. I'll also resist the temptation to keep checking it.:D

Thanks again

28-10-12, 10:25
Hi Ronno
How long does your blob last?
Mine is still there after a week. Had a really stressful week though and yesterday was really stressful so am now trying to relax


28-10-12, 10:54
Hi brandy.
Mine only lasts minutes . Which is bad enough . But going back to when I first had a optic migraine ( 1997 ) it really shook me , I looked up the symptoms in a medical book , classic lead in to the headache of a migraine , but I had no headache ! I didn't have another one for years , then had a few , they seemed to be brought on by stress and bright light . Then viewing a tv program called " street doctor " where members of the public approach the doctors with their concerns , this person complained of blind spot that had stayed weeks after the optic migraine . Now how he described the optic migraine exactly like mine,also no headache , it was the doctor who called it " optic migraine " great ! I now can look it up . But the doctor did continue to say that some times symptoms persist
The symptoms we get with a optic migraine are not in the eye but the blood vessels in the brain expanding or contracting .
I'd check with the doctor for reassurance ,
Hope I've been of help.

28-10-12, 17:52
Yes that is a great help.
Mine is still there a week later.
I will check with the doc sometime this week.

Thanks again

28-10-12, 18:43
Yea brandy let us know how you get on , you'll be ok I'm sure , we anxiety sufferers are awash with adrenalin , it's no wonder we feel the way we do.ha ha
Take care

31-10-12, 15:26
Been to the doc and he looked in my eyes and said everything looks ok.
Told me to go and get my eyes tested because the optician can have a better look. Checked my blood pressure too.
He said its like an after image when you look at the sun then blink and its still there so the image is on the retina
He is sure it will go away with time

Thanks for all of your advice - keeping me sane :yesyes:

11-01-13, 19:29

I know this thread is a few months old, but I was wondering how you got on. Did your eye get any better? I have exactly the same problem with my eye that you describe, I've had the funny image in my eye for roughly 4 weeks. The optician did a retinal scan and other checks and it all looks fine, but I'm worrying about it being something in my brain affecting my vision. X

11-01-13, 21:06
Yes I went to the doc and then to the optician.
They put drops in my eyes to dilate them then looked in the eyes
There was a small bleed the size of a pin prick at the back of my eye which she said was nothing to worry about and that it was healing itself
It did get a bit better but this week had loads of stress with my father being seriously ill and its back. Not so large but worrying

Trying not to think about it and wait for it to go again

Hope that helps

11-01-13, 22:09
Thankyou for replying. I'm trying to forget its there as it doesnt affect my vision apart from when I blink. Its easier said than done though! Sorry to hear about your Father, maybe stress is a trigger for eye problems? x

12-01-13, 11:09
And do you keep blinking to see if it is still there? :rolleyes:

Thats what I do but I'm trying to stop doing it.

12-01-13, 15:29
Yes I do! My husband keeps looking at me like I'm off my rocker! If it doesn't go in a few weeks I might go back to opticians again, the GP didnt refer me to an opthamalogist as she said the checks I've had at the opticians would be similar to what the eye doctor would do?Initially I was worrying about optic neuritis but my pupils are dilating properly, its not got any worse/ better and I've not had any eye pain. Stupid eye! :mad:

12-01-13, 16:03
Hi vikki,
As I told brandy before . I get a small bright "delta" shape or a bright thread just off centre of my vision , which I see when I blink ! . I only notice it when stressed , but it doesn't last long . I've found if I ignore it , it goes as quick as it comes ,( easer said than done ) I to have regular eye check ups , it must be anxiety related when we focus on some thing we make it worse , and over the years we wade through all the ailments certain we fit the symptoms , but of them all. The vision symptoms worry me most . In Claire weekes book " self help for your nerves " she says , if you loose your fear of a symptom or situation the anxiety goes , the fear of fear disappears ! And to practice loosening your self and allowing all the feelings to come and float above them . I know not easy and a lot of trying , but it does work .
I hope this has been of help. Take care.

12-01-13, 18:34
My daughter said why do you keep blinking LOL
What are we like?

Keep in touch and let me know how it goes.


13-01-13, 12:59
The optician did ask me if I was stressed at the time, but I always seem to be due to working, having 2 small children, etc etc! I know that most people can cope, but I think mine has built up over the last few years and the last couple of months has had me in a bit of a state with the eye problem being the latest symptom! I went to see a physio two weeks ago and he has really helped, he said he'd never seen someones neck and shoulders so tight and twisted, apparently all related to emotional stress.
I didnt have a migraine preceding my eye problem, so thats what worries me. Every morning I wake up searching for more spots but its just the one. I'm blinking now as I type, my 5 year old is now looking at me funny too! I must stop it! X X

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------

Thanks Ronno,
I feel like I'm in a bit of a vicious circle of getting stressed out, getying symptoms then getting anxious over the symptoms. But like you said eye problems can worry you the most.

23-01-13, 16:37
I hope you are all well. I thought I'd post a reply. I didn't mention it before as I didn't want to worry anyone unnecessarily but my gp referred me for a brain and spine mri, for my eye problem and a couple of other symptoms that I'd had in December. After a couple of days of mega anxiety after a call from the doctors saying my gp wants to see me about the results,, everything was normal. I was so worried about optic neuritis, but there was no problem with my optic nerves. I really don't know what else it could be? It seems like we have some weird phenomena! Do you think I should go back to the optician. The gp didnt think I needed to go to an opthamologist.

28-01-13, 01:24
Hi all,

I had pretty much what most of you are describing last year.

I was diagnosed with Central Serous Retinopathy

It is ideopathic, meaning no cause, but is linked with stress and steroidal medication.

It will generally go away in 2-4 months, but reoccurance is common.

07-03-13, 16:23
Thanks Jer,

I have an appointment with a specialist in April, but wouldn't they have picked this up at my opticians appointment? I had a retinal scan there aswell. It is still here 12 weeks later and has not changed at all since I first got it. I've had an all clear MRI but I'm still worried that it's nerve related.

07-03-13, 17:27
Mine is improving. A few weeks ago it was really bad but now its much better. I think it gets worse when I am more stressed
Let us know how you get on xx

07-03-13, 20:49
I'll let you know what they say, I try to ignore it but I keep getting anxious that it's something to worry about and then my anxiety symptoms start all over again. It's a vicious cycle. I've been sat here this evening and I'm constantly tensing up. It is that time of the month, so I dont think the stress from PMS helps either!! :D

18-04-13, 16:38
It's me again! In the last couple of months I've seen a neurologist and been back to the optician again just for my contact lens checkup. The neurologist did a basic exam of my eye and all the other general reflex tests and everything seems fine. The optician (a different one from before) wants to refer me to an opthamalogist. He noticed a yellow white dot above the back of my eye which he said corresponds to where my blind spot is. Any thoughts anyone?? I thought I could only could be referred through my GP, if I'd have known then I would have asked months ago when I first went!! So looks like another wait to see if I can actually have an answer!
There has been no change in the size and shape of the blind spot since I noticed it, so I have kind of learned to just accept it being there. :)

---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:36 ----------

Also, it took me ages to find this post due to the search button being removed!:wacko:

18-04-13, 16:56
When the optician looked in my eye she could see an area where I had had a bleed. She said she could see it was healing around it because it was going white so perhaps that is what is happening to yours. I still have my blob but it is smaller and less noticable unless I have a headache or am stressed.
Hope that helps a bit

22-05-13, 20:26
Well hello after a while again!

I had my opthamalogists appointment at the hospital today (after more weeks of waiting).
She dilated my eyes and found that I gave a small lesion called a nevi in my eye. She explained that it is like having a mole or freeckle on your skin but in your eye! She has booked me back in for an eye scan where they will check it out more thoroughly.
But at least I have some sort of answer now. This has been ongoing since last Xmas, this is how long the nhs referral process takes!
The only other symptom I have at present is a numb side of my big toe, but I'm putting that down to my shoes and not letting anxiety take hold of me again. I've counted at least 6 different anxiety symptoms that I've had since November!
I'll report back after my next appointment! X