View Full Version : When To Call The Doctor?

25-10-12, 20:08
When is a good time to call the Doctor out? I had a mixed day. I went to the shopping center today and had a blip. I became very paranoid about the situation. I was looking around me in panic and waiting for someone to approach me and pull out a knife to try and kill me. I tried my best to remain calm but the anxiety was rearing it's ugly head and I became very anxious in Mr. Price because someone turned on a laser gun toy. It was squeaking the whole time and I ended up throwing all the toys on the floor looking for the one that was making them noise. I know I over reacted, but I HAD to find that toy and switch it off.

I went from the shopping center to Lidl in Tyrrlestown and it got worse. I became convinced that a man was following me and wanted to make a Citizens arrest because I convinced myself that he was out to kill me. I went to the security guard and demanded that he escort me from the premises and into the car, which he did and I locked the doors while hubby packed the shopping and ect.

I took two Lyrica at around 1/2pm and right now I am terrified because I am convinced that I have developed Epelicy . I really thought that I was going to have a fit earlier and my anxiety has now reached a very high peak. I have choking sensations and find it hard to breathe. I think I'll stay in the house from now on. Trying to listen to Whitney to calm myself down, but the panic is rising.

Will I call the Doctor? What could I possibly say to him?

25-10-12, 20:13
Aw Edward, you have got yourself all worked up, when are you due your meds, you have to remember you have a lot on your plate right now what with moving and everything. Do your deep breathing, have some bachs x

---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------

You know you don't have epilepsy, not tonight anyway :) this is panic nothing more! Xx

25-10-12, 20:20
Laura is right Edward...it is not epilepsy. You have had a really busy day and you achieved a lot this morning getting to all the places you did. Ok so it didn't go as well as you planned but you still did it so be pleased with yourself. Look how well you got through yesterday as well with Mark away. You are doing amazing.

---------- Post added at 20:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------

Don't have me running over there Edward because I will have chance to fall off my new step if I have to rush out in a hurry!!!

25-10-12, 20:23
The girls are right Edward. You've taken the first step - you know in your heart of hearts that what you are experiencing is anxiety/panic, not epilepsy. You've done so well this week, just make your mind up that you're not going to let it take over! Do your breathing, relax your stomach, focus your attention outwards. As my husband would say: "You'll be fine" :)

25-10-12, 20:28
The girls are right Edward. You've taken the first step - you know in your heart of hearts that what you are experiencing is anxiety/panic, not epilepsy. You've done so well this week, just make your mind up that you're not going to let it take over! Do your breathing, relax your stomach, focus your attention outwards. As my husband would say: "You'll be fine" :)

My husband always says the same :D

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:27 ----------

EDWARD answer us...we need to know you are okay :hugs::hugs::hugs:

25-10-12, 20:31
Tight chest girls....Just working through it :)

Tonight is going to be "Drama" free. No ambulances to cart me away :)

25-10-12, 20:32
Edward you will need one for me in a minute...you almost gave me a heart attack! :doh:

25-10-12, 20:32
Well done Edward!! Onward and upward, you're doing really well! :hugs:

25-10-12, 20:34
Girls....Just having ye makes me happy and secure...No Doctor tonight...Mark can't take it!

25-10-12, 20:37
Never mind Mark...I can't take it either!!:roflmao:

25-10-12, 20:40
Never mind Mark...I can't take it either!!:roflmao:

Oh Annie,

I thought I was having a fit. I got dressed in my navy pj's and had my medication ready for the ambulance and paramedics. I even rooted out the letter my GP gave me so that they would know what medication to give me should I stay overnight :lac:

25-10-12, 20:43
If you could do all that Edward then there is no way you are having a fit :) I don't know :)

25-10-12, 20:44
If you could do all that Edward then there is no way you are having a fit :) I don't know :)

I think I'm over having a fit. Right now it is a very heavy chest with that terrible feeling of panic :)

25-10-12, 20:47
It will go Edward, it is just because you got yourself in a bit of a state. You will soon calm down again. How was your pasta dish tonight? Did Mark enjoy it?

25-10-12, 20:50
It will go Edward, it is just because you got yourself in a bit of a state. You will soon calm down again. How was your pasta dish tonight? Did Mark enjoy it?

Thanks Annie :D

Mark went for Pesto and I was highly insulted:lac:

25-10-12, 21:01
My son has been to the hospital and they are sending him for a scan so he will have to wait for an appointment for that. x

25-10-12, 21:04
i thought he was having a scan today? Ahhhh more waiting, would drive you nuts! x

25-10-12, 21:08
No he was just seeing the neurologist today. My mam has just phoned me to say my dads blood pressure is 200/80 so I am panicking about that now I have phoned NHS Emergency helpline and they are calling him. What a night for all of us!!! I think we need another group hug :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

25-10-12, 21:16
Oh Annie!!! Hugs xx

25-10-12, 21:28
Thank you Laura xx

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

Are you there Edward...are you feeling better? :hugs:

25-10-12, 21:50
How us your dad now Annie, Edward are you ok? X

25-10-12, 21:53
Feeling tons better Annie :)

25-10-12, 21:54
My dad has spoken to the doctor and he said he doesn't really feel unwell. I think he has been worrying because the doctor took him off a blood pressure tablet because it was going to low. He became anxious about not taking the tablet and I think it has made his blood pressure go up more. He has to go to the doctors tomorrow.
I hope Edward is ok x

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:53 ----------

Aww so pleased to hear that Edward :hugs:

25-10-12, 21:55

I'm thinking about both you and Laura :hugs:

25-10-12, 21:56
Thank you Edward :hugs::hugs:

25-10-12, 21:58
I'm on my fifth glass of Chardonnay :)

25-10-12, 22:01
You should sleep well tonight Edward :D I am going to try to get some sleep now. Speak to you all tomorrow. night night :hugs: xx

25-10-12, 22:03
Goodnight Annie, sleep well x. Edward you will be hungover tomorrow and we will need to fetch you paracetamol!!!!!! X

25-10-12, 22:04
Night Annie XXXX

Laura, I'll probably have a panic tomorrow!

25-10-12, 22:04
Aw. Edward - really hope you're feeling better my lovely. You've had a day of it! Keep drinking the chardonnay. Sounds like a fab remedy! xx

25-10-12, 22:09
Don't encourage him!!! Lol x

25-10-12, 22:11
I'm just jealous because I'm sober & got work tomorrow! xx

26-10-12, 06:30
I'm sick lol Xxx

---------- Post added at 06:30 ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 ----------

Oh what a terrible night. I became convinced that Dr. Dooley and Dr. Arab were trying to kill me and conspiring with each other to murder me and hide my body in the Dublin mountains. I also had a very big fight with Mark because he doesn't understand my anxiety and paranoia. My symptoms (Choking, out of breath, heart attack, stroke) went out of control and I ended up awake all night because of them. Laura, Annie, I know ye have your own things going on, but Edd needs a hug :weep:

26-10-12, 07:41
I don't think they're around Edward so in the meantime have a huge hug from me ((((((((HUG)))))))! xx

26-10-12, 08:04
Thank you Meche :)

26-10-12, 08:48
And some from me Ed :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I read your posts which often make me chuckle, you've got some good girls there in Laura and Annie - it's lovely to see how you all support each other.
Has Mark gone off to work now? Will your arguement be forgotton tonight?
Love Sam

26-10-12, 09:40
Good morning Edward, omg what are we going to do with you????? You know what I think, I think the wine set you off, it doesn't help one bit when you are anxious, maybey a glass or two. Why don't you apologise to Marc this morning, everything is always worse when you are in the dog house. Nobody wants to kill you, it's paranoia sweetie, you had a bit if it at the shops yesterday, maybey that set you off in a negative cycle. I want you to turn the negative today into positive, c'mon, get your chin up. Big hugs xxxx

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 ----------

Oh and good morning meche and Sam, hope you girls are good tiday xx

26-10-12, 10:17
Panic attack!

26-10-12, 10:42
Edward...I think Laura is right about the wine...but come on calm down, we are hear for you

---------- Post added at 10:36 ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 ----------

Big hugs for Edward :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

---------- Post added at 10:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ----------

Edward...are you there? Come on try to calm yourself down...take your Bachs and maybe run yourself a nice bath with lavender. That is what I am doing now. I didn't have a very good night :hugs:

---------- Post added at 10:42 ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 ----------

Edward...answer me before my bath runs over and floods my house out :)

26-10-12, 21:17
Edward how awful, your on panic hyperdrive! I can relate, feels like your going crazy u can't get a grip and don't know what to do with yourself!

If you've been bussy today, tomorrow try and relax. Do things you want to do rather than stuff you have to do!!!Make sure you specifically make time for yourself. Destraction is key, stay at home while your brain reconfigures and calms down and by doing this it will lesson stimulation and your brains activity will relax! Meanwhile destract your self ~ Sing, go online play a game, make something, cook or watch a movie you really like. Also tapping exercises and herbal remedies.
Hope this helps