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View Full Version : Please help, worsening cognitive problems, don't know what's going on with me?

26-10-12, 02:34
Hi! So this is all what brought me to this forum in the first place. In the middle of September I woke up one night out of a deep sleep, disoriented and then began to panic b/c I felt "depersonalized" everything seemed like a dream it was awful.

That feeling went away after lots of panic and I fell asleep. The next day however everything still seemed a little "off". I still felt a little depersonalized or felt what I think is derealization. Where everything seems fake like I'm in a dream. Everything feels different but is obviously the same.

Since then I've come to convince myself that I have vCJD (Mad Cow). I know its ridiculous, I live in the US, hardly ever ate beef, and was born in 1992 so my chances are like zero but I'm still terrified...

Everyday I've been having panic attacks and worry and research constantly.

What makes me worry:
- I have a sense of derealization / depersonalization constantly.
- I have what seems like worsening short term memory.
- I have what seems to be worsening cognitive function.
- I feel out of it, distant, and disconnected from my surroundings.
- I feel anxious and depressed.
- I have a near constant low grade fever of 99.8 - 100.5 since the end of September.
- Fatigue.

I'm worried the above is all caused by vCJD or some terrible disease. My symptoms are real and I'm so scared I don't know what to do. I would take ANY disease over mental deterioration. Any! I can't imagine losing my mind from some disease and dying like that. :(

What could this be from? Am I going to lose it? I've also been starting Zoloft 25mg and since have lost my appetite, feel worse, and really really depressed. But my doctors are pushing me to take it still. Its like I'm having a complete mental breakdown :weep: I just want to get past this and be my old self again like I was during the summer :weep: