View Full Version : Low ferritin level.

26-10-12, 14:21
I saw my GP yesterday and my ferritin is low yet again. It has been low in the past but when on iron it increased. Iron made me feel ill so my GP gave me a break, it soon dropped to 19 due to heavy periods. It then dropped to 9 and is now 8. I am on the pill now to control my periods which has helped.

I feel terrible, very tired all of the time, achy legs and generally not feeling right in myself. My GP says this is why I feel so low and tired. He said 8 is very low.

Has anyone else felt ill with low ferritin? I am now back on iron and hoping it doesn't knock me about too much, but needs must.

26-10-12, 17:29
Hiya i am the same my level was 5 when i last went and im due for another blood test now after being on iron tablets for 3 months..i get really tired and irritable when im not taking my iron,my periods used to be really heavy but im also on the pill so there not to bad now..im trying to eat more foods with iron in,i find the tablets give me really bad tummy pains..