View Full Version : Hi Everyone!

26-10-12, 18:23
Hi my name is Betty and I have GAD and depression. Used to take Xanax but my dr took me off of this medication and put me on Citalopram. Also I am seeing a psychologist. Anyway this medicine is helping with the depression but not the anxiety because last night on the way to Amarillo with my husband to see ZZ Top in concert I had a panic/anxiety attack. Felt like my whole body was on fire and it lasted at least 3 mins. Never had that happen before. I just know that I do not want this to ever happen again and this has left me feeling tired today.

26-10-12, 18:33
Hi MissBetty54

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-10-12, 18:37
Hello Betty and welcome to the site :) You will lots of lovely people on here with great advise.

Glad to hear the tablets are helping with the depression. The heightened anxiety is a common side effect with the start up process. I am on Lustral (sertraline) and found the same but it does settle once you have reached the correct dose.. I am still working on it lol.

How long have you been on the Citalopram or have you just upped the dose? as this can affect your anxiety too. And did you manage to see the concert? x

26-10-12, 22:09
Welcome to the forums! :) How long have you been on the citalopram for? Sometimes it can take several weeks to help your anxiety.