View Full Version : Pulsatimg pressure in head and ears

26-10-12, 20:51
I am very aware of this (non painful) pressure in my head and ears. It's like when your ears have popped. or when on a plane..I can feel a sort of build up and my pulse! What is this?

26-10-12, 20:55
As you're just getting over the flu I would say it's probably sinus-related x

26-10-12, 20:56
Lol...That would definitely make sense!! Thanks!!! :D Feel abit dopey now ha!

26-10-12, 20:57
I get similar when I get a migraine sometimes, as it can mimic the symptoms of a cold/flu :)

26-10-12, 20:58
just mentioned this on another thread. I get this a lot and mentioned it to my doctor. He checked my ears and said they are fine. He said there is an artery running near our ears and when we are anxious the blood rushes about quicker so it is just another thing that we have to put up with being anxious. I have noticed that the more anxious I get, the worse it feels. I feel it when I am going to sleep so switch the raindrop sounds on my clock on to distract me from it. x

26-10-12, 21:04
I had my ears checked at the docs on Wednesday and that/temp is all good. I also had my blood results back and all is good! No diabetes,throid,anemia. So feel alot better!! The boils must be stress related. I will be listening to my relaxing sounds! x

26-10-12, 21:05
Pleased your results all came back good Lu :D x

26-10-12, 21:05
I just got a mental flashback to when Dory is trying to talk to the whale in "Finding Nemo" when you said about relaxing sounds :)

26-10-12, 21:05
Glad you mentioned it to your doc Annie.. I was going to lol. It's like you can hear your heartbeat in your ears x

26-10-12, 21:07
That is what it feels like! Lol..I love Dory. Infact..I watched that movie alot in my darkest days..I found it relaxing and uplifting! x

26-10-12, 21:07
I know my hubby thought I was crazy when I said my heart was beating in my ear! I was getting so stressed about it which of cause made it worse! Now I know what it is I don't notice it so much :)

26-10-12, 21:07
I had a boil the other week.. right under my bust.. painful little thing too. Never had one before so put it down to being down.. funnily enough was looking at the mark last night, it is still there but no lump.. the things we have in common lol x

26-10-12, 21:09
My butt looks like a dot to dot. The scars are so annoying! I will have to put some make-up on them for intimate times!! lol!! Looks like I have a spotty bum!!! They take ages to heal!!

26-10-12, 21:11
Mine was on my face so I couldn't hide it...it was so embarrassing :blush: