View Full Version : Just some reassurance please...

26-10-12, 21:28
Does anybody else ever feel just really strange? Like, very hard to explain...along with a panic feeling?

26-10-12, 21:33
I feel like this daily at the moment, it is horrible and is ruining my life. I feel really strange especially when out at shops etc, almost like I am going to stop breathing, faint, sometimes I shake and get blurry vision. this then causes a panic attack . I am constantly at the doctors trying to get answers.

26-10-12, 21:59
Well do you ever just feel like you're kind of drugged?

26-10-12, 22:02
Sometimes , I think it's that derealization thing.
It's like I just feel different and get this horriable feeling of dread.
What makes it worse is fearing the feeling will never leave.
So I force my self to ignore it, to stop focusing on it and just get on with normal things.

26-10-12, 22:02
Yes, most people who suffer an anxiety of some kind generally do. I remember always saying to the doctor.. I feel odd, I feel off it, I feel strange. It is very frustrating because it can make you feel poorly and have physical symptoms. I still would always advise to get things checked out first before putting it down to stress etc. When you say strange, it could be something to do with depersonalisation or derealisation.. have a read up on them x

26-10-12, 22:05
yes feel drugged or hungover regularly. it is horrible

26-10-12, 22:49
yes feel drugged or hungover regularly. it is horrible

A shift in perception (If your eye health is fine) is completely normal. It's a non-serious condition called depersonalisation. Do your arms feel further away or like they're not your own? That can scare you- It does me! But I've suffered heavy depersonalisation for years since my first migraine!

It's a symptom of anxiety! It's normal and therapy can help you get rid of it.