View Full Version : Worried sick :'(

27-10-12, 02:48
I'm absolutely terrified.
Since my anxiety come on about a week ago, I've had this feeling like there is something caught in my throat and I'm trying really hard to swallow it down, feels like a pea or pill is stuck and it can't go down.
I've convinced myself this week I have thyroid/throat/oral and lymphoma cancers and I have no idea what it is!

It kind of swaps sides, one minute the feeling will be on the left side and the next it could be on the right side!

Please tell me this is common with anxiety, I'm sitting here crying my eyes out, again, it only started when my anxiety come on, after my panic attack!
Please god let it be I REFUSE TO GOOGLE THIS lol!

Also it feels as if there are things lodged in my mouth, like my tongue is sitting on something, but I'm looking and can't see anything!
What on earth, this has to be my mind?!?!
I have been totally obsessed with my tongue, mouth, neck and throat, so my anxiety must be playing tricks on me!
I have that lump in throat, tight throat like it's closing up, sometimes I have to catch my breath while I'm talking, foreign objects in my mouth, ear ringing, ear pain, sensitive to noise!

Also I've been clenching my teeth recently!! ALOT, so there are kind of teeth dents in the side of my tongue, I have a tiny scratch type bloody thing on the side of my tongue which grew over night, all these watery looking spots all over my mouth which are not painful just annoying, this new lymph node that is around 5MM IN SIZE BUT CAUSING ME SO MUCH ANXIETY.



:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::w00t2::w00t2: :w00t2::w00t2::w00t2::emot-partyblower::emot-partyblower::emot-partyblower::emot-partyblower::WTF::WTF::WTF::WTF::WTF::WTF::doh::do h::doh::doh:

27-10-12, 05:36
The feeling of something stuck in your throat is an anxiety symptom, it's called globus hystericus I believe. If you're worried though you should go to your doctor but if it just came on with your panic attack it's almost certainly anxiety.

27-10-12, 05:53
I looked up what you just said and it sounds exactly like it!
Also I typed in just "anxiety" symptoms and mouth sores are apparently a common symptom of stress and anxiety!

Thanks Eek :)

27-10-12, 06:27
I've the feeling in my throat for 2 years! I have to let the doctor put a camera up my nose and down my throat . . Not had it done yet cause I'm scared of the test.
If you read my old posts you'll see I've all the same symptoms.
Like you I'm convinced its not just anxiety, I fear my throat will close up but at the same time it makes me feel better when I hear others get it too and they tell me anxiety or acid reflux can cause it too .

27-10-12, 12:41
I have exactly the same thing

28-10-12, 08:08
hiya hun, ive had exactly the same as you, lump in throat, tight spasms, every day for 7 months, although im learning to accept that its down to anxiety,and so its starting to feel alot better, the way i look at it now is that if something was really wrong with me,
:hugs: something would have happened by now its definetley anxiety, the symptoms are so frightening but not life threatening, easer said than done but try and occupy your mind, it does ease eventually