View Full Version : Dengue hemorrhagic fever worry

27-10-12, 06:21
I am worried sick about getting dengue hemorrhagic fever having heard about an 8 year old girl that died from it earlier this week. There has been a dengue outbreak where i live in the last month or so. I wasn't really worried about it as i heard that deaths from dengue fever were rare, but having heard about someone dying from this version of it i'm scared that i may get it. I looked at the risk factors and i don't fall under any of them, but i can't stop worrying.

27-10-12, 09:35
People in cooler places won't know much about this, neither did I till I read up on it. A few people from NZ catch it when they go on holiday to Pacific islands. If you are really worried, then do your best to not get bitten by a mosquito - net over your bed, insect repellant and stay away from places where there are alot of insects. If you are a healthy adult, then even if you catch it, you are not likely to die, but I expect you know that already.

27-10-12, 10:12
im sorry i dont know much about this either, but understand when thoughts get out of control, keep focusing on the fact that you dont fall into a high risk category, and remind yourself that it is the thoughts and imagination that are running out of control.