View Full Version : Can I have some tips and advice please?

27-10-12, 10:30
Hey guys.
Having a little problem here. My anxiety has come back and wont seem to budge this time. It got to the point where I would panic whenever I left the house.
I have no choice but to take my daughter to school so over the weeks I am more comfortable with walking places. I live in a village that is a 10 min drive from town and the shops. I haven't left my village for 4 weeks now.
I know the longer I stay here the worse it will get.
My boyfriend used to be great when we would go out but we are no longer together, therefore I've been stuck here. All my friends live out of town and I only have my dad whos in the next village. I go to his in the car but feel on edge and anxious.
All this started when I was out in the car with him, months ago. So I'm terrified for him to drive me to town.
I need to do it but I just know half way there I'm going to panic, or freak out in the shops.
I'm thinking a 10 min drive to the shops cant be that bad? Im getting myself worked up over nothing. Im waiting to have CBT and that can take 3-4 weeks for my first appt.
Any advice on this?

27-10-12, 11:07
My tips would be to make sure you get enough sleep. 6-8 hrs.
Eat a good diet, not lots of junk food, and have a light snack between meals and again about an hour before bed. Just something like a yogurt or piece of fruit. This helps to keep the blood sugar levels steady avoiding those highs and lows that contribute to anxiety levels rising.
Drink plenty of water. Watch your alcohol consumption.
Practise relaxation or meditation exercises twice a day if you can fit it in.
And difficult this one when you are having problems going out, plenty of fresh air and exercise. Make sure you go out of the front door every day. At this stage it doesn't matter where you go or how long for, just be outside.
Don't forget that the panicky feelings you experience are just that - feelings. Feelings won't hurt you. Nothing is wrong with you, you will be OK. It is scarey and unpleasant but you won't collapse or anything like that. It will all be fine. This is where the relaxation exercises come in. You will learn to breath properly which in turn will help you to take control of the anxiety attack and lessen the intensity of those awful feelings. Have faith in yourself. You can work through this and enjoy going out with your daughter again.

27-10-12, 12:31
Thanks. I try and get enough sleep but my daughter has asthma and wakes up every night having coughing fits so I always have broken sleep.
I am going to start exercising again as it did make me feel better.
I dont drink and I think I eat quite a healthy diet, junk food makes me feel crappy anyway.
I do always make sure I go out at least once a day, even if its just a walk to the shop and I walk my daughter to school and pick her up. Its just the fear I get the further away from home I get. I had all this before and got past it and I know I can do it again. I'm going out to my dads again today so we'll see how that goes.