View Full Version : UK Terrorist Attacks - in USA at the moment

10-08-06, 20:27
Admittedly I never wake up well and generally have PA's, depression and feeling unreal every day. (At the moment it is continual and I have little break from it, if at all).

My in-laws are flying back to the UK today and their flights have been seriously affected.

My brother-in-law is very like me ie a worrier about planes. I have the additional problem with queues and crowds. Seeing Heathrow this morning on TV at a standstill was overwhelming.

It is not the fact that once I am in the air I fear being "blown up". I seriously have no control over that. If it my time to go then so beit it. However, I would hate my husband and son to go this way and it would also leave my daughter totally with no support.

I regularly wear a t-shirt with WHY BOTHER written across it and it has been noticed by quite a few people when out. Now I feel like a t-shirt with SHOULD HAVE GONE TO CENTER PARKS, which is a holiday based with activities etc, based mainly in the UK.

I have seven days left and I so want to get home. I feel selfish that I am thinking of how I feel rather than others. It is not an attribute I find endearing/attractive and in general, it is far from the person I was before PA's/depression hit me hard.

I believe this potential threat of terrorism has hit a lot of members, those who have loved ones who are returning home or those who are due to fly anywhere.

Deep down, I guess there is absolutely nothing we can do to prevent it and need to leave it in the hands of security etc to make sure loved ones and those due to fly home are safe and secure.

I am just in a big PA at the moment and free thought is flowing now my in-laws have gone to the airport with my husband and I am going to miss them both big time. My son is upstairs happily watching Disney. It strikes me how nice it would to be his age again.

Take care of yourself and each other.

Fran X

10-08-06, 20:32

My sister was flying back from holiday today and of course I thought about her and how long she would be delayed with all the extra security.

Apparently after 9 hours at the airport she is on her way back from the airport now and apart from tired they are all fine.

We really are well protected I believe but of course we worry about our loved ones on holiday at this time.


11-08-06, 13:21
I think you are probably safer flying now than it has been for a long time. There are so many checks that no way could anything be put on a plane.

Probably safer than travelling in a car now


Two heads
11-08-06, 17:12
I hope its going to be safer than it ever has been,because im flying to cuba in ten days and im worrying now!xxx

polly daydream
11-08-06, 17:21
Oh Two heads that sounds great, do have a good time won't you. I'm sure it will all be fine and safe, we can't let these terrorists win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take good care,

Polly x

12-08-06, 04:56
I guess it is not the fact of feeling unsafe whilst in the air. What will be will be. That part I cannot change, it is out of my hands. It is the sheer amount of people and queues at airports and fear of having a PA on the plane. (We need to take off four times to get to our destination).

The fear of a PA on the plane has happened. The last leg of the journey I reorganised the seating just before take off, as I was not sitting with my family or in-laws.

No, we cant let the threat of terrorism win. What makes me mad is that my in-laws flights (as they left after 2 wks) were seriously distrupted. When they tried to get an alternative route, Eurostar were charging top prices. Why should others cash in on innocent travellers who purely just want to get home?

Take good care of yourself and each other,

Fran X

12-08-06, 09:28
Its the fact you cannot take anything on the plane to distract you that worries me. Last time I went by plane I had a PA and had my personal stereo, a good book etc etc. I fly next week and I'm constantly revising my decision in my head.


13-08-06, 17:42
Hi Tulip

I understand where you are coming from. I guess my distraction is our son who is asking for things constantly or wanting the toilet on aircraft etc.

Hate to admit it, but a few drinks takes the edge off things for me but I strongly stress it is not a good coping mechanism.

As I said before, it is not the fact that I will "die in transit", if it is my natural time to go that so beit. I am more scared of having a PA. I did on the last leg of the journey and reorganised the seating (my in-laws, son, husband were seated seperately), much to the dismay of the stewardess! To be honest, I did not give a damn then.

Do things like Kalms help? They can be bought at Boots. Unfortunately we have not been able to get hold of these herbal tablets in the USA as the FDA have not approved them. A doctor's prescription is needed.

I am sure you will find within yourself strong beliefs/affirmations that will help your journey.

Take Care

Fran XX

13-08-06, 21:41
Just got back from LA today. Lots of extra security with the american army checking bags etc. but I think we were a lot safer because of it. Don't worry, things are safer than they have ever been just now.


13-08-06, 23:59
Thanks Mandy.

It is not the fear of being on an aircraft and dying. It is the extra time with crowds, queuing (yet again, should be used to it by now with all the theme parks I have done).

The fear is having a big PA on the plane (or planes as we have four to cover).

However, I so want to be home right now. The load is really on my husband. Having a young child compounds the issue as he regularly shoots off in some direction and then things go frantic.

Take care.


14-08-06, 23:47
Hi Hiddy

I dont fret (for some reason) about would could happen on a plane or transport. It is out of my control and I guess what will be will be.

It is the waiting in queues, crowds and being on the plane and making or losing control that gets me. My concentration is really bad so the eight hour flight was incredibly hard to deal with and I had a couple of drinks to settle me down. (I did reorganise the plane seating on the last leg as they placed us in seperate seats).

I guess that if we let terrorists stop us from travelling than they have won.

I hope you will take small steps towards travelling again and not let others dictate what you once enjoyed.

Take care of yourself.

Fran X