View Full Version : Citalopram 10mg side effects

27-10-12, 11:00
I wanted to found out from you that have started on citalopram 10mg what side effects you got from it, how bad they were, how long it lasted and what you did to make it better.

Reason im asking this is because ill be going back on citalopram again for the 3rd time and they first time i went on it i felt really sick and they second i went back on it after a few years i was fine i just experienced yawning all the time, which didint bother me.

No im just worried if i take it again now that there is a possibility of me feeling really nauseous and and light headed and these are they kind of things that give me panic attacks.

So right now im uncertain of what to do and was hoping from any kind of positive feed back on this.

Thanks :)

27-10-12, 12:14
I've been on 10mg citalopram for 11 weeks now. For the first 5 days or so I had insomnia and loss of appetite, but then these side effects wore off and by Week 3 I was feeling much calmer and happier. I didn't sleep much at all for the first 3 or 4 nights and even though I felt hungry I just didn't feel like eating much (if I did try to eat too much, I would gag). Other early side effects I had were a rapid heartbeat and feeling fidgety, but again, those wore off after a couple of weeks or so.
10mg is the lowest dose, so the side effects shouldn't be too severe.