View Full Version : Help to deal with Doctor "Heart Worries"

27-10-12, 15:19
I’m having problems at the moment with heart worries! Here is a bit of background.

Sorry to go on about my problems

At the beginning of February 2011 I was rush into hospital with chest pains and other symptoms related to a heart attack and I was told it was a major panic attack.
I was ill in the morning on that day with chest and shoulder pains and also sweating and just feeling very unwell but just brush it off as sleeping heavy on one side had caused a problem (sounds stupid). But then at midday the symptoms came back from nowhere and my wife phoned my doctor who in turn called the ambulance and so on I ended up on A&E.

They did all the normal tests ecg’s, Bloods and chest x-ray and said I was in no damage and discharged me.

All my doctors said it was a major panic attack.

I have ended up in A&E once more after that with the same symptoms but the test came back clear again.

Before my first trip to A&E I had, Had a ecg and a treadmill stress ecg done to rule out angina due to chest pain and that was put down to costochondritis and I let it at that until the February of 2011 then after that I have suffered from panic attack.

Right here is the Doctor problem I like all of us have had many trips to the doctor and hospital for tests.
1, seem a neurologist due to muscle twitching in calve muscle’s that was put down to a benign condition.
2 Have had a head MRI that was all clear.
3, A MRI of the neck (showed some slight problems).
4, Emg of left arm (showed a slight trapped nerve).
5, 2 Treadmill stesstests came back OK.
6, upper endoscope (showed no damage) due to years of heart burn

All of the above I have NEVER asked for all have been the doctor’s idea except for the 2nd one that was the dentist.

The 1st one put my mind at ease that it was not MND/ALS have never looked back my muscle still twitch like mad looks like snakes under the skin but I understand I just have to live with it.

All the others have been at the request of the doctor.

But I have never got over the 1st trip to A&E and have always thought that the costochondritis condition was a bit of a cope out on the doctor’s behalf.

But I have been asking to see a cardiologist to maybe have an echo done of my heart to check it over once and for all. BUT my doctor is adamant that that will not happen.
As she has said after that test I will want one for something else and then another and so on.

But I have told her that is not the case as I DON’T think I have cancer, Skin cancer, brain tumour or anything like that.

But my mine concern is my heart and I think once I have found out for sure my panic attacks will vanish from my life and I can continue.

But also my wife’s work friend is a Physiotherapist and he told her today that his father was told he had costochondritis but it later turned out to be heart related they did not find that out until he had a massive heart attack and then a triple bypass. That has now raised my concerns.

But my doctor thinks it is my mind doing this to me as she has told me my stress treadmill tests would have ruled out heart trouble. But after looking on the net they are not the best test they are very hit and miss and also my wife’s work friend said his dad had also had 2 stresstests and they showed nothing wrong.

So please how I go about getting the tests I need done to put my mind at ease or get the help I need.

Because also my doctor has told me all this stress will end up putting strain on my heart and could lead to heart trouble.

Any advice Please

Sammy J
28-10-12, 00:28
I can't offer you advice unfortunately but I'm much the same as you, with the same worries. I think I've been in A&E maybe 4 times in the past with chest pain and every time they have found nothing wrong. My GP was sympathetic and referred me to the cardiologist to put my mind at rest and also for CBT (this was 4 years ago), I had 24hr monitor, treadmill etc and all ok. I was later diagnosed with acid reflux after numerous tests with a gastro consultant.

I've managed to keep away from A&E since though it's been close many times (even last night I was thinking I need to go!) though I did see an out of hours GP late one night with upper back pains (again..reflux). I'm starting to get abit lairy with it all again as I'm having pain in my left arm and hand so straight away I think heart attack. Seeing as I have been having problems with my neck and back for the last 6 months it's more than likely that that's causing it (prolapsed disc in my neck) but once I'm on a roll there's no stopping me. Thankfully I have a husband who talks me round when I'm starting to freak out.

This anxiety rules my life at times. All I can say is you've had countless tests like me.. try and believe in them x

28-10-12, 04:23
I'm with Sammy, can't offer much advice, but I can tell you, you are not alone my friend. That is my biggest fear. HEART!!!!!! I hate it, I worry all the time, and I get tremendous chest pain, and spoke with Doctor, and she did a ekg, and says its not your heart!!! Well something is making that pain. I also have had numerous ekgs, heart monitor, stress test, echo, blood work every year faithfully, etc. and they have all been okay. Since I haven't had any test lately, i'm like I better request something, because I am convinced there is something. If you figure it out please let me know.:)

28-10-12, 09:27
My doctor is against sending me to a cardiologist as "I don't meet the requirements".But she said something that in the end would fuel anyone's anxiety "If I did send your for a echo I would eat my hat if it did not show anything wrong with your heart ie: enlarged or scarring".
How the bloody hell is that comment mention to help I don't know.

And then to continue with if my anxiety/panic attacks continue it will at the end lead to heart problems. Thanks doctor for them kind words!!!!!

I am thinking of seeing another doctor at the practice "but my doctor is one of the senior ones" and telling them about the brilliant calming words the other doctor told me.

But at the end this still does not help. If I kick up to much fuss they may strike me off and then I am up s~#t creak with out a paddle??

28-10-12, 16:09
Well she would eat her hat if there was something! I'm lucky in the USA they will pretty much send you within reason. (I have tried for mri) didn't get that. But they are afraid of lawsuits, so if you complain long enough they will usually send you. (not always though) Why do they care anyway, it's not them thats paying, its us. If something so simple can put your mind to rest, and make you feel better, they should just send you. It is very frustrating, I know, and I feel your pain, I am in the same boat. Can you go out on a limb, and just go for a second opinion from another Doctors office completely? I know you don't feel well but, I think you are in good shape, you have had many test, and one of them would of picked up something especially the blood work, that doesn't lie. I try to tell myself that also, but time goes fast, and its been about 6-7 months since I had any test, and I feel like something has developed since then. It never ends:mad:, I hate it.