View Full Version : Can't relax about stomach issues / sickness.

27-10-12, 16:23
Hi all,

Having a bad day today, and finding it hard to relax.

Saw a different doctor the other day about after my number of stomach problems (nausea, burping, stomach cramps, feeling hungry a lot, constantly changing stool types, etc) as my regular doctor was away.

He said he wants me to wait for my abdominal scan but expects it to be normal, and then will probably refer me to a gastroenterologist.

He prescribed me some anti-nausea medication (metoclopramide) but It's had so many bad reports for side-effects, and it's not made me feel great after just two tablets, I'm not keen to take it really.

The Dr mentioned malabsorption which really set my anxiety off, as I'm now worried about cancer or some life-threatening disease. All my blood tests and stool sample have come back normal, so my brains all in a bit of a muddle.

Is anyone else going through stomach problems at the moment? I know some of you posted on my last post, but, just seems like I'm running out of options for normal things it could be.

I've noticed I've had floating stools the last couple of days, which I'm hoping is due to the excess gas, and not because of some cancer, or pancreas problem.

I want to be able to relax, but my appointment for the scan isn't for 2 weeks, and then i'll probably have to wait another month before I see a GI doctor.

Would appreciate any words of reassurance or advice.

27-10-12, 16:45
If it makes you feel any better I have had all of those symptoms for years, apart from the feeling hungry. I am the opposite and have to force myself to eat. I think you would have been sent for the scan sooner if the doctor thought it was anything serious. :hugs: x

29-10-12, 21:11
Yes I am going through exactly the same thing and its the second time. I went through it in 2009/10 as well but it did go away. I've just looked over my old doctors notes and all the tests I had were normal. My gp doesn't want me to get tested again as they all showed normal in 2009 and 2010 and he thinks it will be the same. Have been told I'm having an ibs flare up but I am struggling to believe that. Just want it to all go away (I have the same symptoms as you plus burning in my stomach) but the more I wish it to go away, the worse it seems to get as I'm concentrating on it