View Full Version : Persistant sinus congestion and feeling of a cold

27-10-12, 16:34
So since about 4 weeks ago I have had never ending sinus/cold type congestion.
My face hurts - around my eyes and nose. I'm also constantly bunged up and most days I wake up with a sore throat/cough & blocked ears which take a while to clear - sometimes half the day.
Cold weather seems to make it worse but its becoming abit of a bane of life.
Mucus and snot builds up in my throat and nose when I talk for long periods, making it quite embarrasing in a work situation.

I googled - I know I'm silly! and sinusitus came up and although this is a relatively common condition it says it seems to be more apparent in people with a weakened immune system. Of course this started the alarm bells ringing and I instantly associated weak immune system with cancer or a similar un-diagnosed disease.
The other thing that came up in relation to the symptoms was lung cancer - this is another worry although I do not smoke - I did when I was younger but mainly socially.

Anyone got any words of advice/comfort?
I'm off to the doctors next week about it hopefully :scared15:

27-10-12, 16:42
I am the same at the moment. I find that putting one of those microwavable wheat bags over the sinus area relieves it a bit. :hugs:

29-10-12, 11:10
I am quite concerned about it because I have had it for such a long time now.
It doesn't seem to respond to any over the counter treatments and I'm not a big fan of constantly going on antibiotics.
I hope its nothing overly serious :(

29-10-12, 11:17
I have had mine for a few years now. I would see your doctor though and maybe have an xray just in case you have any polyps there. I don't use sudafed as it reacts badly with most AD's. Steam inhalation with a few menthol crystals in it usually help relieve it.

29-10-12, 11:29
You don't think its caused by a more serious condition though?

29-10-12, 11:37
I really don't think so. I have suffered from sinus problems and feeling choked up for most of my life. Restricting dairy products can help. I have had my sinus xrayed and they were fine and I would suggest that if you are getting so anxious about it that you do the same as it would put your mind at rest. Mine actually feels worse the more anxious I get. You say that cold weather makes yours worse? It could be something like allergic Rhinitis which affects most people in the summer months but can affect others in the colder months if they are allergic to mould spores. It really does not sound like anything serious to me though. I have suffered so long with it now that I just accept is as part of my life even though it is so annoying. :hugs: xx