View Full Version : Anybody on this form suffer from adult acne?

27-10-12, 16:40
I suffer from hormonal adult acne and its ruining my self esteem. I'm 23 years old not 16!
I was on the pill for around 2 years and that was the only thing to clear it up.
I had to come off because it was making my moods bad and my depression worse.
Ever since my acne has been worse than ever, its itchy, sore, cystic and all over my chin and jawline.
I take vitamin supplements and use freederm gel.
I also wash with an oil free face wash.
Does anyone who suffers have any tips or words of advice?
I'm coming to my wits end :(

27-10-12, 16:46
I'm 28 and I still often get acne when I'm within a week of starting my period. It's usually spots on my chin! I don't think it's quite as bad as when I was younger though.

23 is still young, maybe it will get better as you get older. Sorry I can't be of much help, as I haven't found the answer to this problem either!

27-10-12, 17:27
You are not alone, I am 47 and still get spots and have a very greasy skin. I was having the contraceptive Depo' injection because my PMT was unbearable, but that was giving me acne, can't win. Have you looked in to foods that help promote healthy looking skin. I use a toner aswell as cleanser to close my pores and try to avoid foundation that clogs the pores. If all else fails speak to your doctor about being referred to a Dermatologist.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.

27-10-12, 18:01
Neutrogina if you have a budget. Dermalogica if you dont. Both do a great job with clearing spots fast and letting your skin breathe. Neutrogina has salicylic acid in the facewash and cleanser, that stuff is pretty good with managing spots. Dermalogica I would rate slightly higher, but I dont like spending £30-40 on each single product. Id recommend the Neutrogina, Boots often do 4 items for £10 in that range. The cheaper Orange bottle facewash is their best facewash.

The absolute best thing I found for my spots was Kale, the vegetable. I have a Kale shake every morning. 1/2 cucumber, handful of Kale leaves, 1 stick celery, 1 whole pear and an optional slice of ginger. The last 2 ingrediants are there to stop it tasting completely foul. Literally to the day that I started having this, I lost all spots. I havent got spots back since. Kale is amazing for you, one of the best greens you can have. It will basically wipe impurities from your system. I absolutely swear by the shake. You'd need a blender, and the taste takes some getting used to. But most importantly it works and your spots should vanish. It also makes you feel great in the mornings, full of vitality.

27-10-12, 18:13
Yes! I've had acne on and off my back and chest area since I was 12. I'm now 26 and it sucks! Tried every treatment under the sun - antibiotics, creams, gels, zinc acetate, the lot! I've also recently developed really porous and spotty skin on my face too and always used to have clear skin in that area. I eat healthily and I'm not sure what else to try. *sigh*

---------- Post added at 18:13 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ----------

I'm trying the kale shake! Sounds lush :winks:

27-10-12, 23:06
I have no tips :mad::mad: I have acne on my face, chest, shoulders and back. Worse than the spots for me is the extremeley oily skin. I am 55 :ohmy::weep::weep::ohmy:

Only thing that worked for me was antibiotics, but when I had to come off of them, the oily skin came back...then the spots etc.

I personally don't think that enough research goes into finding a cure, I've been far too mad for far too long about my skin, I rant and rave at the doctor....like it's his fault!!:blush::blush:


28-10-12, 06:04
Neutrogina if you have a budget. Dermalogica if you dont. Both do a great job with clearing spots fast and letting your skin breathe. Neutrogina has salicylic acid in the facewash and cleanser, that stuff is pretty good with managing spots. Dermalogica I would rate slightly higher, but I dont like spending £30-40 on each single product. Id recommend the Neutrogina, Boots often do 4 items for £10 in that range. The cheaper Orange bottle facewash is their best facewash.

The absolute best thing I found for my spots was Kale, the vegetable. I have a Kale shake every morning. 1/2 cucumber, handful of Kale leaves, 1 stick celery, 1 whole pear and an optional slice of ginger. The last 2 ingrediants are there to stop it tasting completely foul. Literally to the day that I started having this, I lost all spots. I havent got spots back since. Kale is amazing for you, one of the best greens you can have. It will basically wipe impurities from your system. I absolutely swear by the shake. You'd need a blender, and the taste takes some getting used to. But most importantly it works and your spots should vanish. It also makes you feel great in the mornings, full of vitality.

Ooh, I gotta try this. I've just been reading an article in the Mail that tells about Kale's magic properties, I believe it said it protects you from cancer too.
As for the acne, well I'm 54 and I've suffered ever since puberty. It's only recently that I've put it down to a condidtion called Rosecea. Now you might think this just causes red skin but I was surprised to find that blocked pores is a symptom.
I've tried so many things but what works for me is the Avon professional skincare range. I couldn't live without their facewash now and I use the toning pads and moisturiser. Dermatoligists will tell you that moisturiser is the worst thing for spots but I need it.
I've always hated my skin but sadly, we just have to learn to live with it and do the best we can.
Good luck x

28-10-12, 11:03
I do. I used to have it bad when I was a teenager/in my early 20s and now I have it again at 34. Last time round I was put on every treatment out there including two courses of ruaccutane. It was under control for years (combi pill) then the pill started making me ill every month so I went to my doctor in May this year and asked him to change my pill. I was only on the pill to help my skin, not for contraceptive reasons but I neglected to mention this to my dr and he ended up putting me on a pill that has acne as a side effect!!! About a month after being on this mini pill my skin started breaking out bad. I was really upset, I'd forgot how sore, ugly and embarrassing it is. I went on holiday last month, on my own on a group tour and had to face strangers with my bad skin. I hated it, it made me anxious and I felt they'd all remember me as "the spotty girl". When I got home the first thing I did was make a dr appointment. He put me on another combi pill and while my skin has started getting very slightly better (still getting the spots though) I was ill again this month (not as bad as before; I didn't have to leave work this time, but bad enough). So I didn't start taking the pill again.

I had been thinking about trying online dating again, let's just say that is put on hold while I try and clear my skin.

I'm going to make another dr appointment soon. Life is difficult enough without having acne too! :( Someone on an acne board suggested the oestrogen only pill but I'm not sure. I just want rid of these damn spots!

Personally, I do NOT trust any of these 'wonder treatments' that you can buy that claim to cure it. Last time round I tried anything I could get my hands on (even stuff like snail secretions gel). Visited a Jan de Vries clinic. Tried light therapy. None of it worked but it sure burned a hole in my pocket. If you have severe acne, or even moderate acne, go to your doctor! Ruaccunane is quite intense but it worked on me, unfortunately it came back so I needed a second course. It's been years since I've needed 'proper' acne treatment, I could cope with the odd spot and can't believe it's back again, so I'll see what the doctor recommends.