View Full Version : Depersonilization

27-10-12, 18:22
Hi, I need some advice. Been on cit for 6 weeks now and this depersonilization is killing me!! Don't feel with it or myself :/ really getting me down. Is it a side effect from cit? X

27-10-12, 23:36
Yes, it can be. I recently went up from 10mg to 20mg (i had been on 20mg for 3 years previously but gone down) and i was getting it really bad for about 6-8 weeks, in the end i couldn't take it! it never gave me it that bad previously, so i went back down to 10mg and it's gotten a bit better. Maybe you could mention it to your dr?

28-10-12, 12:08
try noni juice it really helps with DP, or pills, you can get them from holland and barrett