View Full Version : need someone to talk to-new here

11-08-06, 00:58
Hi i am new here. I am 31 and from St. Petersburg, FL. I am hoping to meet some people with panic disorder that can chat at night(USA time) as that is when my panic and anxiety is the worst and my husband is asleep so I feel really alone. My attacks and general constant racing heart and shallow breathing have been really bad recently. i am in the process of coming off paxil and transitioning to zoloft. Thanks for listening!

11-08-06, 01:44
hey dana.....was just speakin to you in chat...as i said...ull find loads of great people on here...always willing to listen and help out when evr u need it.....sites helped me soooo much since i found it....hope it helps u just as much....anyway welcome to the site and probably see u around...tc


11-08-06, 02:15
Hi Dana,

Although I'm not able to join you in the chat room at your sort of time, I do want to welcome you here to the forum.

I hope that before long you will find one or two buddies on this site.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-08-06, 03:09
Hi Dan,
I talked to you briefly tonight sorry as i had to go and talk on phone to a friend...I told ya i also live in USA....i suffer with the breathing myself i have to say thats my main thing...i just went to chat no one was there ..it is 10;03 our time...i sometimes will go there this late unfurtunatly i get tired from work and usually get off here in chat by 9-10...i know its scary when ya just want to talk to someone to get ya mind off of it...you are lucky to have your hubby there tho..mine passed but i do have older boys and when they dont come home i get real anxious at times ...comes and goes awful thing we have[V] well stay on and check it out im sure ya will find alot of intersting things and help i wish you the best and Im sure we shall talk soon......Linda xx:)

11-08-06, 03:53
Hi Dana~

I'm in WI, and a night owl! I'm used to working 2nd shift, though I don't work it anymore, I'm still on that sort of schedule. I'm still finding my way around this forum, I'm also new. If I'm on in the evening, I'll check the chat room! Welcome.
Best wishes,

polly daydream
11-08-06, 09:21
Hi Dana and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


11-08-06, 09:22
Welcome to the forum Dana
love Helen

11-08-06, 09:30
hi there and a warm welcome , if you need to talk im here to listen anytime pm me if you want ,besr wishes sue

11-08-06, 11:12

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

11-08-06, 13:42
Hi Dana,

A big warm welcome to you. Hope to speak to you in chat soon.

Take Care



11-08-06, 18:41
Hi Dana

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.


11-08-06, 21:38
Hi Dana

Welcome to the site, dont know what USA time is but if you ever see me on here you can talk to me anytime, i to have panic ,so i know how you feel

Take Care

Denise :D:D

11-08-06, 22:58
Hi Dana and welcome !:D

Will look out for you in chat, will be great to see you there.

