View Full Version : emetophobic and the implant

27-10-12, 23:27
I joined this website after seeing a lot of people with emetophobia. Three or so weeks ago I had the implant put in, and at first I felt fine just a little sore in the arm. After about three days I started feeling really sick, urging but not being sick.

I've been constantly feeling sick or urging the past three weeks at around the same time every night and day. It's destroying my sleep patterns, giving me numerous panic attacks, making me not eat and making me lose work.

My mum suggested that it could be the virus going around at the moment. But I'm either feeling sick or craving certain foods and going on a food binge when I'm hungry (another side effect that I was actually told about)

Did anyone else have any problems with the implant like I'm having?

28-10-12, 00:12
I didn't have any side effects, I take it you mean contraceptive implant?

28-10-12, 01:41
I do yes, I guess I'm just one of the unlucky ones.

28-10-12, 15:04
I had the implant for years didn't really have a problem with it ... Can I ask without offence .. Do you think it's a mind thing after feeling I'll in the beginning .. I say this because I'm suffering something similar ATM ., with a nervous cough I have .. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and so worried about being sick the tickle cough that I had a couple months ago hasn't gone away it gets worse when I'm stressed put and I spend everyday panicking and staying in doors I'm starting to wonder if it's because I'm so scared of happening I'm making it happen if you know what I mean .. I'd doesn't affect me at night when im sleeping.. I've been advised to try some relaxation music and trying to keep my mind occupied .. Hard but I'm trying x