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View Full Version : A bit about me

28-10-12, 12:09

I've posted a few times in the forums but thought I'd do a quick intro. I'm Madgirl12, I'm 34 and I'm from the UK (keeping exact location secret because as well as the anxiety I also have a large dose of paranoia thrown in, and don't want anyone I know seeing this and recognising me).

I work in an admin role, always have done similar things and would rather be a zoologist or something else to do with animals. But at 34 and with a mortgage to pay for doing something else is not going to happen now. So I try and content myself in other ways, although I often compare myself to other more educated people.

I've always been a bit mentally 'funny' even as a small kid I was odd, and didn't have many friends. High school was a bit crap, I was laughed at a lot but didn't really have anxiety there and managed to get through exams and stuff. The working world was a bit of a shock, and I ended up being bullied a bit during the first few years. Got signed off with depression in my early 20s and soon after started a college course, learning something that I've never worked in since, lol. It was soon back to doing an admin role, and then I bought my flat and that was it really. Stuck in a boring town with nothing interesting about it. I hate shopping too btw, that's another one of my triggers.

I have a few friends now, but spend a lot of time alone, I do enjoy being alone sometimes but other times it's awful. And I'm VERY single. This effects me a lot, I've never had anyone I could introduce to my family and friends, just the odd date and fling here and there; it makes me feel very isolated and unhappy. I've tried online dating unsuccessfully. I'm not sure why I'm still single as I'm not unattractive (current bad skin set aside), I'm fun and have done some interesting things.

One thing I love is travel, one upside to having next to no social life means that I've been able to afford to travel a bit over the last few years. I'm lucky in that anxiety has never held me back travel wise, I love flying and I'm very fortunate to have been able to visit some amazing countries. I even lived on the other side of the world, on my own, for nearly a year. This was a turning point for me, and I came out of my shell quite a bit. However, in recent years anxiety has become a big issue for me, and I often find myself obsessing over things that have happened in the past, or worrying about the future.

So that's me, in a nutshell. I'm nice, I'm smart, I'm fun and I'm anxious :) :noangel:

28-10-12, 12:19
Hi Madgirl12

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-10-12, 14:57
Hi Madgirl12, Got to say that you sound a fun person to be around. You obviously are not letting the anxiety beat you. You do sound very much like myself. Hope to chat soon. All the best. t.c xx