View Full Version : Can anxiety about being sick actually make you sick?....

28-10-12, 16:05
Hi all, hoping everyone is ok....

For the past few days, 3 to be exact, ive woken up in the mornings OKish BUT with a nagging thought im going to be sick. Then a little while later I start retching but not actually being sick.

On Thursday I tried 80mg of slow release Inderal (propranalol) but it made me more anxious - for the previous fortnight I was taking 40mg propranalol twice a day and had no problems, things actually had a massive improvement. My GP for some reason then decided I should switch to the slow release formula. I only took it for the Thursday and went back to my GP on Friday and switched back to 40mg twice a day.

Is it a coincidence ive been "sick" everyday since switching then switching back again? I wasnt "sick" when I first started the propranalol.

Can the thought of being sick make me sick? How can I stop this thought process of thinking im going to be sick every morning?

Any thoughts or ideas welcome.


29-10-12, 09:55
bump to see if anyone has any thoughts on this........

29-10-12, 10:49
When my anxiety first started, years ago, I was physically sick most days, especially when cleaning my teeth, eventually it went away on its own. You would need to check with your doctor to see if Propranalol could be contributing to your urge to be sick.

29-10-12, 17:25
Thanks Bobbydog, it only started since I tried the slow release propranalol but now continuing even though im back on the 40mg tablets.

Im not actually sick just horrible retching. Any idea how I can get it to go away??

29-10-12, 17:43
Thanks Bobbydog, it only started since I tried the slow release propranalol but now continuing even though im back on the 40mg tablets.

Im not actually sick just horrible retching. Any idea how I can get it to go away??

Accepting instead of fearing it is the best way to get it to go away. :D

29-10-12, 17:48
So, instead of waking up and thinking "im going to be sick", accept that at some point I MAY be sick for example?