View Full Version : Feeling bad during/after panic attack!!

28-10-12, 16:08
Hi everyone.

I have just had a pretty bad panic attack and i felt so bad i called 999. I had one yesterday too and went to the walk in center and they did an ecg and blood pressure and everything was fine but today i started feeling on edge again and had another. The paramedics spoke to me on the fone which made me feel slightly better but its left me feeling bad now. My head feels weird and im not feeling quite with it at all. When i was having one earlier my chest went all red and hot and my face went really pale my pulse felt faint and really felt i was gonna pass out so i called them. Now I've stopped shaking the redness has died down but my head is still feeling quite funny and light . Im also feeling slightly exhausted after this and very rough .Im hoping i don't get another one this evening. Does anyone else feel like this. Its really scary and im so fed up of feeling this way .

28-10-12, 16:14
I always feel really exhausted after a panic attack. When I think about it I guess because it makes the heart race so much, like it would in physical activity. Just relax if you can for the rest of the day. :hugs: x

28-10-12, 17:14
i had one last night it was so scarythought i was dieing you are not alone:hugs:

28-10-12, 17:54
Hi Kelly.. I have a few really bad one's over the last few weeks whilst on the start up process on Lustral (Sertraline). So much so one day, my dad was here and I thought I was losing the plot and got my dad to take me to the mental health centre which I attend for councelling! I was absolutely petrified.. never experienced anything like it.

I said to the chap who was seeing me "have you ever seen a panic attack like this?" he said " I have seen worse than that!" He sat with me for half an hour and I had a small dose of diazepam and settled down a bit .. phew but he said, its like your body is running a marathon but your legs are not moving that is why you go instantly tired out.

You will feel a bit strange thought wise simply because of the stress you have been through but it will pass... it is just your brains way of shutting down to relax.

They really do take it out of you.. so have a warm bath and stick some pj's on. Have a little bite to eat if your haven't already.. and just realx and watch some tv.

If your watching x factor.. I think it's going to be Jade and Christopher bottom two.. Christopher to go this week.. let me know what you think.. see who's right lol :)

28-10-12, 17:56
I hope it will be Rylan!

28-10-12, 18:30
he he.. It should be really Annie but you know what X Factors like :)

29-10-12, 17:22
Panic attacks do exactly this : panic you!. Panic is fear. Fear makes the body act.
The hormones released by your brain who thinks you are in danger and starts to feel fear ,rush your heartbeat like you are running ,except you are actually not.
Rapid heartbeat makes your body need more oxygen. So you breath faster. You breath faster ,your heart is pounding ,so you start to sweat (like you are running ,except that you are actually not).
Breathing fast ,having a rapid hearbeat ,like you are running from a lion, if you are not a athelte makes you dizzy ,you body cannot cope with this effort ,so you receive less oxygen overall in your head and more into your muscles. It's just like running ,except that you are acutally not.
So in the end ,after a hour of two ,you calm down.....and you just feel completely exausted because every inch of your body acted like you were running ,even tho YOU DID NOT. :) that's whith the fatigue. Lay down, chill ,sleep ,and everything will be better. I promise.

30-10-12, 04:02
Hey I can relate I am up having just had my longest PA :(
The feelings just kept rolling and the newest sensation of more weirdness in my head and vision not kept keeping up like in a strange movie sequence was scary. I am now riding out the shakes. Each time I think I got a handle on this beast but this threw me as it didn't disappear quick enough.

I hope you are feeling better now. I know I'm gonna feel ugh for a day or so now. Wish it weren't Like this, it always seems to bite me at 3am mid sleep. :(