View Full Version : Pressure in head...should I worry

28-10-12, 17:00
Ive had a bad neck for years and also anxiety and tension on and off. This weekend Ive noticed about halfway through the day I get this pressure in the front of my head, more when I look down, or stay on the computer for too long.
off balance issues as well.

Apart from this new symptom I have been to the doctors 5 times in 2 monthes and they all say its a sinus/ear/anxiety issue and to stop panicking.

should I be worried about this pressure feeling in my head, does anyone else know if this is a symptom of tension?

28-10-12, 17:02
It is a symptom of tension, I have had it all day today. It can also be sinus related. :hugs:

28-10-12, 17:05
hiya i get this to like a constant pressure pushing at the front of head which is classic tension headaches. the off balance is from the muscles being clamped around your head. they are not very pleasant and can be quite stubborn. once a tension headache descends they can be very stubborn little buggers and may take a awhile to leave. as having a tension headache can make you more tense etc.....

28-10-12, 17:05
I get it too, even now. But I dont pay attention it because I completely focused on melanoma. I have sinus problems too, It may be related with it as Annie said. :)

28-10-12, 17:11
I have fluid build up in my ear that the doc just says will drain in time, its been a while, like 3 months but i don't suffer with my hearing, just the head and slightly annoying balance issues.

Thanks for the reassurance Annie :) its really freaking me out I guess

---------- Post added at 17:11 ---------- Previous post was at 17:07 ----------

Mark- Yeah, I had an ear issue but that sparked off my anxiety and now its a catch 22. I've had a tension headache off and on for the last week, its not painful anymore, just feeling tense etc.
Alessa- Thanks for the reassurance, I think my ears are still the problem too.

28-10-12, 17:13
I know it can be scary and you imagine all sorts of things but I have had it on and off so long now that I just accept it as anxiety...I just wish we could all be free from this :hugs::hugs:

28-10-12, 17:25
Being here helps. I would be googling by now if i couldn't come here. we all know that never ends well/

28-10-12, 17:36
Yes We all need to stay away from Dr Google!!!

18-03-13, 21:57
I get this alot when Iam stressed. I have had it for a while now as I am trying to make a decision - I worry & panic which makes it worse. It feels like a weight on my head - I get it ontop,in the back oe forehead!

19-03-13, 00:36
I've been getting this for over a month now...
but my pressure is above my right ear and right temple area, but nothing on the left side.

I'm 95% sure it gets worse when I am stressed or if I focus on it, otherwise I don't realise it, but none the less, it's always there.

my GP gave me nasal spray for it and the tinnitus and 4 weeks of using it, nothing, so that eliminates sinus for me.

19-03-13, 02:38
i don't want to scare anyone or make anyone's health anxiety sky rocket but i too had my doctor tell me for a year and a half that i had sinus and allergy issues because of head pressure and a clogged ear feeling that i knew just wasn't right...my ENT finally discovered that i had a rare brain disease which required brain surgery...yesterday was my 3 month surgery 'anniversary' and i am doing much better...will need surgery again one day but trying not to dwell on it...i have since started seeing a therapist because my health anxiety has doubled since all of this has happened...