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28-10-12, 19:40
I am a teenaged girl who recently has had a fright.I never taught getting scared could have long term effects on your mind.

I was away on a sun holiday with a group of friends recently. I was already nervous before going as it was my first holiday away from home ( and I never really go away much)

The first few days were great, But i felt sick for the last 3 days.

I had a sick stomach and dizzyness. Although the doctor on holidays said i should be fine, I felt anxious and home sick. I wanted to be home with my own comforts. Talking to my mam and family at home made me stressed and very emotional. I felt like I had nobody being so far away.

When I reached home, I still felt on edge. I went to my doctor and got tests done such as bloods, blood pressure , chest xrays ... and everything was fine.

I honestly felt like I had a illness. It turned out to be anxiety and panic attacks. I still am learning how to control them... I sometimes feel on edge being away from home even if its just in my friends house.

The attacks are horrible, Chest pains, breaking out in sweats, feeling frustrated and emotional.

If anyone has advice for me please PM me .. as i am very new to this and dont understand why its happening to me.

28-10-12, 19:49
Hi Lilly, you are not alone, we all understand how confusing this us at the beginning, but please believe me, panic and anxiety cannot harm you, what has happened is you have become afraid of being afraid and your mind has set you on high alert constantly, google deep breathing techniques, they really really help, try not to be scared of it, I know it's hard but it really is the key. Speak with your doctor about cbt, it's a great therapy which helps teach you ways to cope and change the way you are reacting. You are going to be fine abd their is no illness only your mind tricking you x

28-10-12, 19:51
Hi Lilly12

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-10-12, 01:31
Lilly, see your doctors and try the CTB route before you take the drug route. read a lot of posts and see what you can do. i am beating it a little bit at a time. Positve thinking is good

29-10-12, 10:38
Welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll get plenty of support here.:)

---------- Post added at 10:38 ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 ----------

Lilly, see your doctors and try the CTB route before you take the drug route. read a lot of posts and see what you can do. i am beating it a little bit at a time. Positve thinking is good

If people need drugs, they need them. I was in such a bad way that I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on cbt without my medication. I was depressed due to my anxiety and I wasn't able to think positively. So it is fine to have cbt and medication simultaneously if the doctor recommends it.

little scientist
29-10-12, 11:13
Ditto sparkle, infact it's recognised that medication and cbt can go hand in hand and be very successful! I too couldn't have started my cbt without my medication, I was just too down, and the negative thoughts too powerful