View Full Version : Shut-In to away from Home for 5 days.

28-10-12, 20:21
Approx 4 months ago I was not able to leave my house due to to massive panic attacks and agoraphobia. Most of the regular members in here know me and know how bad I was.

However, 4 months down the line with the help of cipralex, CBT and old-fashioned guts I am back to work and have been away from home with work for two periods of 5 days. Travelling a total of just over 3100 miles.

It was not easy but anyone who is stuck in their home due to agoraphobia can hopefully take heart that it can be done and you too will get back out there and fulfil your life.

Even if you start off with something as simple as going out your front door and walking round the back and in that door. (that is how I started.)

28-10-12, 20:46
Thankyou for sharing this. As a housebound agoraphobic, this means hope. Well done to you and congratulations :)

28-10-12, 20:51
Wow Donny, You have moved quickly, I wish you all the success and happiness for the future and long may your travels continue.

28-10-12, 21:44
That's really good, it certainly gives us all hope!

29-10-12, 02:04
wow that's fab donny! I work and couldn't even contemplate going away and travelling all that way. Well done you, you must feel so chuffed with yourself. x

29-10-12, 08:10
Thanks for the replies guys.

4 months ago I really thought my life was over cause I could not leave the house. And here we are now.


29-10-12, 08:41
OMG Donny thats brilliant, fellow agoraphobic here and its so hard, Im so happy for you, well done and may it continue for always

29-10-12, 08:46
Well done Donny. As an housebound agoraphobic I know how hard it is