View Full Version : New in Bristol

28-10-12, 21:39
Hi everyone!

I´m a guy from the Canary Islands moving to Bristol next month. I´m another victim of anxiety and panic attacks and I´ve been coping with this almost all my life. As I´m new in the city I don´t know anybody. It would be great to meet other people in the same situation as me. Sometimes it really helps when you have somebody around who can understand what it is happening to you, to who you can talk and be understood, give advice and viceversa...

Right now I´m having a very diffcult time because since several months ago the attacks and crisis have appeared again and I´m trying no to use medication and instead of this I try to use my own techniques to overcome them, but it is really difficult. Besides, the fact that I have to travel makes it worse as it is very stressing and I´m a very nervous person.

I have never met somebody here in The Canaries who suffers the same as me but looking for information in the internet about anxiety I found this forum and thought it could be something really good to meet others and make new friends who understand you.:)

Well, I hope there is somebody in Bristol in the same situation and if so then just reply here.

See you

09-11-12, 19:10
No one ?? :weep:

fozzy is crying
10-11-12, 16:29
I am in your area but I have physical disabilities with poor mobility so I can only very rarely leave my home. However I would be interested in anything that comes about as a result of your thread.

There has been some attempts to set up meetings in both the Bristol and also the Bath area but unlike other areas such as Leeds that have managed to have lots of successful meet-ups none have here. It seems also to be a problem not just on this site for our area I have seen it also fail on other social sites as well for Wiltshire, Somerset and Avon.

However you might just the man to change all this. I hope so.


17-11-12, 03:26
I too am new to this site, and also my panic disorder lol! But being just outside Bristol this is something I would be very interested in if we can make it work :)

08-12-12, 14:51
How did we get on with this I'm in bristol x

09-12-12, 00:34
Bristol here too. :)

11-12-12, 12:22
I'm here on behalf of my boyfriend, but he lives in Bristol, too. He has found a good group called "Changes" which he has found helpful. It covers a variety of conditions, but he likes going to it. They have a website you can search for and its completely free. Some of the groups are quite small at the moment and could do with more support, or more groups in other areas. Hope this helps.

11-12-12, 13:03
thanks I will have a look at this

16-12-12, 20:09
Hi there, my names Leah im a sufferer of health anxiety. I live in East Hewish near Weston-super-mare. would love to get a group together to chat and share experiences ect :-D

16-12-12, 20:13
Sounds good, I'm just outside bristol in yate x

16-12-12, 21:11
Oh cool!! Not far at all really. How would we get a meeting up together??

16-12-12, 21:36
I'm not really sure lol there must be more of us around!!

19-12-12, 08:54
Definitely set this up, would be good to meet people alike and share a few stories.

22-12-12, 06:17
I'd be happy to join you too. I dont come on here as often now as I'm much better but would be happy to support you all in getting a group going.

26-12-12, 18:52
where abouts are you guys? lets sort this out? x

26-12-12, 18:59
Lilo - we need a date, time & venue.

Everyone - please add these to suit you & we'll try to sort it out.

31-12-12, 04:54
Hey everyone!! I started this post before moving to Bristol and since then couldn´t log again. Now I am very surprised to see that there are a lot of people here as well who have written in the post !!! :)

I would like to meet people like me to share our experiences with anxiety and panic attacks, give support, etc. I have never done it before. I´m living in Bristol city centre and I´ve been here for around a month so I don´t know much yet but I would like to meet you all. So let´s set a date, time and venue as Annette1 said! :)

01-01-13, 18:49
Hi guys - what came of this? I am in Bristol.

01-01-13, 21:35
i live near bristol would like to meet others local please let me know where and when

04-01-13, 15:20
I'm still interested in this too, I say a pub with lots of alcohol would be a sufficient place for the meet lol. :whistles: :doh:

04-01-13, 15:37
Definitely. And a visible exit and a few paper bags on the table if any of us have a funny five :wacko:

04-01-13, 15:39
haha visible exit im so with you on that one!

04-01-13, 15:41
Lol, brilliant. :yesyes:

04-01-13, 20:20
hahaha medication and alcohol = good combination! :roflmao:then probably I would have to go to my GP urgently. :wacko:

04-01-13, 20:53
I am currently med free so alcohol will be my medication of choice, although I have not had a drink in like 6-7 months apart from one on my Birthday so I'd probably be drunk off a wkd which wouldn't be the first time haha. :blush: :shades:

07-01-13, 04:26
Hello, I'm in Bath at Uni, not far from Bristol. I'd definitely be interested in joining if there were a group of people meeting up, if you wouldn't mind :)
I'm 19 by the way, how old are all of you?

07-01-13, 10:31
I too am a Bristolian (10 minutes from Cribbs Causeway)! I've had GAD all my life so it would be good to meet with like-minded folk. I may have my other half with me though as I don't cope well out and about on my own! Always happy to meet new frends, though :-)


08-01-13, 12:47
helen i live in yate so close!! i also dont cope well on my own my bf has to come everwhere with me!!!

09-01-13, 12:13
This seems the closest area for me I'm from Exeter :(.

09-01-13, 13:20
I also have to go with a friend as I don´t think I could make it alone and because I don´t know the city very well yet :S

It seems there are lot of people now interested in meeting up! Do you know guys where we could meet ? I live in the city centre.

09-01-13, 14:56
City centre or Cribbs Causeway would be best probably as I think most buses terminate in those two places, I think. There could be other places I haven't thought of though! lol

09-01-13, 15:12
Can we make it on a Saturday when Bristol City are at home... ;-). I'm kidding. Are people from exeter invited lol b

09-01-13, 18:15
ooh Kobey we won't get on... Pirates supporter right here :p I think South West would be better than Bristol on the whole, there can't be that many Bristolians, can there?!

09-01-13, 20:26
Well I'm an exeter city fan tbh but I am fed up with rubbish football lol.

09-01-13, 22:09
City centre or Cribbs Causeway for me are both great. Well to be honest City centre would be the best option for me lol :D but it is true that on Saturday this is like hell! :P And I would like to help with a location but I don´t know anything :S but definitely a quiet place would be perfect :)

11-01-13, 18:28
Right then!! When...where??!

11-01-13, 19:35
Quiet locations in town...hmmm... What about a Starbucks or Cafe Nero or something? I know there's a Cafe Nero opposite Castle Park, don't think it gets too busy! Lol Kobey I agree, I don't get much choice though, hubby to be is footy mad :-p


12-01-13, 04:31
please can we arrange meet i feel so alone would be nice to meet up and chat i feel that this will never go really afraid so lets get this sorted please

12-01-13, 11:26
How about cribs ?

24-01-13, 22:08
Cribbs is good for me..can be there in 10 mins :-)

27-01-13, 15:25
did we ever get anywhere with this lol

31-01-13, 09:24
I'm up for sorting something in Bristol soon if people are still keen :)

02-02-13, 03:18
Sorry haven't been here for a while but so pleased to see so many posts.

I live in bristol too & would like to meet up. Cribbs or centre bristol is fine with me.

03-02-13, 18:13
Hi, I'm new to the site but would really like to meet some people with similar problems. I'd like to come along if that's ok, live not too far from bristol. Think I would prefer cribbs. Thanks, Filly

09-02-13, 13:22
Not been about for a while, wedding mania here. Would still like to meet fellow anxiety sufferers though!

11-02-13, 14:17
How about meeting at John Lewis restaurant at cribbs, that way you can avoid the crowds in the shops.
Or, we could meet at one of the coffee shops in bristol centre. It all depends on whether people have got transport or will be coming by train.
If everyone posts their preference I'll be happy to organise it.

For anyone who will be doing this for the first time try not to worry too much we can all be anxious together!

12-02-13, 03:34
Cribbs would suit me in terms of location, BUT I hate the part of the journey where the bus speeds up from Crow Lane roundabout until it gets to Cribbs (does murder for my anxiety and I hate not being able to bail out bar 2 stops along the way). The City Centre is fine by me as I can get the same bus to the centre or Cribbs so it makes no odds for me at all. Depending how people feel we could pick a coffee shop or something if The Mall/Galleries is too much. The only thing I will say though, is I am getting married in 94 days so I may not be about too much after about March due to dress alterations, appointments etc.

01-03-13, 13:31
Hi Guys is this still happening? I'm in bristol and would love to join in if poss

02-03-13, 05:10
Hi Lissa
There hasn't been much interest recently. what do you think about setting a time &date then seeing what happens?

03-03-13, 09:13
Eek, ok. How about Saturday the 23rd? :)

03-03-13, 13:18
lol lissa, well done!

03-03-13, 15:25
Ok, I'm on a roll now. How about 1pm? I don't want to say a location as I'm fine with public transport ect and can travel whereas others may not want to go very far from home

03-03-13, 15:44
Great 1pm is fine with me. How about meeting in Azuza coffee shop which is in the Galleries. They have outside seating if we want/need it or quiet area inside.
Food &drinks are reasonably priced & freshly made, eg Bagette & drink for£3.95.

Hope to you can all make it!

03-03-13, 15:47
Sounds great, will look forward to it and be in touch nearer the time to confirm :)

14-03-13, 15:46
Just been told I have GAD and keen to meet others in Bristol or talk on here?

14-03-13, 18:03
A few of us are meeting for the first time next sat. Its on the 'Bristol Meet' thread x