View Full Version : Update on my relapse

Silly Blonde
11-08-06, 10:13
Went to see my psychologist yesterday morning and then my psychiatrist in the afternoon. Still feel like absolute s**te - nausea (worse on waking), tummy ache, lower back ache etc etc.

I told both of them that now that I am "off" the mirtazapine, I didn't really want to take anything else.

Unfortunately my psychiatrist thought that my symptoms are a combination of withdrawal and anxiety again - mainly because the nausea has got worse as the week has gone on - if that was caused by withdrawal then it would be easing by now.

I suppose I do agree with him - but he's given me sertraline - mainly because I do want to start a family soon-ish and because I hated the weight gain effects of mirtazapine.

Only thing is - I've checked out the side effects and most common - NAUSEA, STOMACH ACHE ETC ETC!!!!! So how are they supposed to help me!!!!??? I'll get all those side effects and then start worrying even more.

Really don't know what to do - should I just sod it and take them - or should I leave it a little longer? Just don't want to delay taking them if this is a reoccurence of my anxiety:(

Thanks SB

11-08-06, 11:29
Don't know if this is of any help, but maybe the side effects will only be temporary. When I was on medication (citalopram) the side effects were the same as my symptoms and made me feel a whole lot worse at first (like doing the 'down' bit of a roller coaster!). I'm glad I kept taking it tho because then came the 'up' bit and I never looked back.


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