View Full Version : got my echo results

29-10-12, 05:48
So I got my echo results. They did show I have some fluid around my heart but it is a very small amount and I have to go and see a cardiologist to find out why it's there. It did show that my heart is working 100% though and not affected by the fluid which was a good thing.

So I'm not freaking out as much as I was though I'm still worried that there is some fluid there, my usual overactive imagination worrying that it'll suddenly increase and my heart will be affected etc. I hate HA so much.

I need to try and relax as it'll prolly take forever to get a cardiologist appointment. And I still have to see someone about my night sweats that started all of this off.

Anyway just thought I'd update all those that wished me well and thank you all for your kind words.

29-10-12, 19:13
Hi Eek...glad you got good news...I'm sure the docs can figure out why the fluid is there and get it sorted....take care