View Full Version : Useless doctor!!

29-10-12, 14:34
Is it just me or does anyone else have a useless doctor. What sort of doctor takes a personal call while ur in the room, what sort of doctor doesn't listen when u say u have thoughts of overdosing even when you've overdosed before. My doctor is a joke. He makes me angry. Do I tell him I think his useless and should be reported. Im in process of trying to change doctors.

29-10-12, 14:41
That sounds totally unprofessional, can you make a complaint to your doctors surgery. I wouldnt confront him instead put your grievance in writing.

29-10-12, 14:49
Just seen u can fill out a feedback form online on the surgery website. To top it off he gave me a counsillor number that u can't even get through to. I try constantly to just be told leave a msg will get back to u. This has been for past 2 weeks. So I'm struggling with overdose thoughts, feeling in despair and no doctor who will help me. Dunno y I bother.

29-10-12, 15:34
Well keep posting on here, we're all here to help :bighug1:

29-10-12, 17:15
H26 ,you probably don't have a bad doctor ,just one that does not know how to handle pacients with deppresion ,anxiety ,etc.
Him being fat has nothing to do with his ability to help you,and if you want to be taken seriously you should focus your complaints on his medical professionalism.
What do you want to overdose? what's the substance that you want to take more of it?