View Full Version : Preparation for my medication review, and how I've improved

29-10-12, 17:57
Tomorrow I've got a doctor's appointment for my 3-month (or 12-week) medication review. To help me during the appointment, I've made a list of the ways I've improved over the last few weeks. I thought I'd share it here. I hope it will help people to realise that it is possible to get better. :) I will update this thread tomorrow saying how I got on at the doctor's.

How I’ve improved (29th October 2012)
· I’m sleeping much better. Now I almost always fall asleep within about 5 minutes, whereas it used to take me longer as I used to have too much on my mind. I don’t wake up in the middle of the night so often, and when I do, I usually fall back to sleep straight away. I no longer wake up at 5am in the morning and struggle to go back to sleep. I listen to relaxation/mindfulness MP3s before I go to sleep, and I’ve found these very helpful to clear my mind and relax.
· My heartbeat has slowed down. When I had a rapid heartbeat due to my anxiety, it would make me feel even more anxious and I’d find it difficult to get to sleep. I no longer get this, so I’m sleeping better.
· Fewer intrusive thoughts. The intrusive thoughts have calmed down a lot – I hardly ever get them now, and when I do get them I’m able to dismiss them/rationalise them more easily.
· I find it easier to relax my muscles. The progressive muscle relaxation CD I was given during the Stress Control course has really helped with this, along with other relaxation tracks I’ve listened to. I can now recognise when my muscles are tensing up during the day, so I can let go of the tension.
· I feel calmer and happier in myself. I no longer feel down like I used to. I no longer feel like I have a black cloud following me wherever I go.
· I hardly ever feel panicky, and when I do, I can control it better so I can recover more quickly.
· I feel more confident at work. I feel that I can cope with my new job, whereas I used to worry that I wouldn’t be able to do the job properly. I have been in the role for 3 months now and I’m getting on well. My manager is aware of my diagnosis and when I returned to work after my sick leave, he arranged for me to have extra training, which really helped me. I can also concentrate better at work without getting distracted by intrusive negative thoughts.
· I’ve got my social life back again. I feel able to go out with my friends and my social club again, whereas in the past I felt that I couldn’t enjoy myself and I didn’t have the energy to go out much.
· I can think more rationally about things. I can work through problems more easily, without feeling I have to worry about them.
· I no longer feel jittery/shaky all the time. My nerves are calmer.
· I feel like I’m returning to normality. I feel like I’m going back to how I was in June, before this anxiety episode began.
· I feel things have particularly improved since Tuesday last week. That was the last day of my Stress Control course. Previously, I still had some underlying anxiety (only for an hour or so each day), but I’ve finally managed to get rid of this!
· My Stress Control course has gone well. I feel like I’ve learnt a lot of techniques that will be helpful both now and in the future.
Future steps
At the end of my final Stress Control class, I was asked what I’d like to do next. There is an 8-week evening course on Mindfulness that I’m interested in. I’ve put my name down for it.

little scientist
29-10-12, 19:45
Wow sparkle! I think it's good to take stock of progress, and remind yourself how far you have come on your journey to recovery :)

30-10-12, 11:53
I had my appointment this morning, and it went well. The doctor was very pleased with my progress and how I've got on at the Stress Control course. She said I should stay on the 10mg citalopram for another 3 months at least (which is what I expected to be honest), so I've got another review at the end of January. I mentioned the Mindfulness course and the doctor said she thinks it would be good for me, so I'll go ahead with it. I'm not sure when the next Mindfulness course starts, but I'll be contacted when the time comes.