View Full Version : Ground feels soft, unsteady

29-10-12, 19:07
I am usually so good about not googling symptoms as I know I have a tendency to overreact and get all freaked out. Been digging back out of a big anxious episode in the last couple months. On citalopram now, which is helping.
Unfortunately walked into kitchen while radio was discussing a fellow with brain cancer and that his only symptom was feeling like he was walking on sponges.

This is the biggest lingering symptom I have.
Feeling unsteady, like on a boat all the time, ground feels soft and spongey.

I know it is worse if I am feeling at all uneasy, and it does improve usually after sleeping. but it still persists every day.

I have been to my doc. But she has mostly just put me on meds and not tested anything.

Any reassurance from others who have this as an anxiety symptom?
My logical self tells me that because it can come and go, it it very much likely to be anxiety driven.

The meds have helped so much with the health anxiety, I really don't want to let myself get freaked out. :(

29-10-12, 20:16
I have this symptom also it comes and goes. definatley anxiety.

30-10-12, 16:45
hey flossie. x i have that grond sensastion and i say sensation cause thats all it is. anxiety sensation. x

31-10-12, 04:16
Thanks folks :)