View Full Version : I'm not dying

11-08-06, 13:59
Hi All,

Got all my blood tests back today and all is normal. I've been through a hell of a time these past few months with one thing and another and my health anxiety was sky high. Went to the doctor on Tuesday and told her that I was convinced I had cancer in some part of my body as I've had so many symptoms so she did loads of blood tests just to reassure me which was so nice of her not to send me away as has happened so many times in the past when I've went for reassurance. The symptoms I've had these past few months have been so scary and I convinced myself I was seriously ill but it goes to show that it is nothing but anxiety that keeps these symptoms going and I'm so going to try not to dwell on them as much. I've been overwhelmed by the support I've had by pm's msn and texts from my friends here at nmp I love and thank you all for being there for me when times were tough I hope I've also been some help to you.

Thank you Nic for this site and all the support, advice and friends I've made here.

Take Care



11-08-06, 14:15
Hi mandy,
i'm glad to hear that you're fine. it's amazing what anxiety can do to a person. it makes you worry about everything and anything. we're all here for you, hun.
take care.....
twiglet xxx

11-08-06, 14:25
Ahhh mandy hun its good to know you are OK I know how you feel, anxiety makes us exaggerate any little symptom in our head, when most, erm, I was going to say 'normal people' lol but that would be wrong...I mean, 'anxiety free' people, would just think 'Ok all it is is a headache/stomach ache etc and dismiss it...
I went through a phase of being paranoid about my headached- I get a lot of tension headaches and have for the past six years now, but I think well if it was something really serious it would have got worse.

Take care chick xx

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

11-08-06, 14:46

thats really good news, i know you where really worried about the blood test results.

this anxiety is a pain in the (you know what)

you have been a real support to me mandy when i have been at my worst and that is more often than not at the moment lol

jusr remember that i am always here if you need to chat

care hun

ruth x x x x x

11-08-06, 15:07
Hi Mandy,

So glad to hear the good news hun. Whew, I bet you are one happy lass today huh? Now just go pamper yourself and try to relax and be thankful as I know you are! Luv ya...


"Our thoughts are our reality"

polly daydream
11-08-06, 16:53
Hi Mandy, glad you ok hun, you must feel relieved.

Take care,


11-08-06, 17:11
Great news Mandy, enjoy the weekend,

anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

11-08-06, 17:46
Hi Mandy,,,
it so good to hear the doc tell ya that ya fine even know ya dont feel like it i went thru a battle with my tummy i swear something was wrong and after being sick for 3 months with it and all kinds of test it turned out to be just stress from worrying about it,,,lol...but still it scary im glad ya doc was understnding this time ,,,wish ya the best........Linda[8D]

11-08-06, 17:50
glad to here it . a day of relaxation and reassurance always goes down well

glad your not dying, i knew you wernt


11-08-06, 18:12
hi mandy so pleased for you i,m glad you are feeling better it just goes to show how overwhelming anxiety is at times!!!
take care rachelx

11-08-06, 18:48

Great news that you got the all clear.

Hopefully this will put your mind at ease now.


12-08-06, 00:57
Thank you all for your kind words as usual your all amazing. I feel on top of the world lol god knows how long it will lastxx

Take Care



12-08-06, 14:30
Hey Mandy Mooo,

Well I'm so glad that everything is fandabbydozy. lol. I told you not to worry but hey lol that's what we do innit..

Now relax and have good weekend. You are of great support to me and loadsa others ye eejit. That's what the site is for innit. I will help in anyway possible, even if it is just to kick ye ass innit. lol.

Great news hun. Your a great mate....

Look after you for me okies....


Take care,
