View Full Version : Depression/ Attachment Issues

29-10-12, 19:47

I'm new to this site and I was just wondering if anyone else has been in my situation and how they've dealt with it...

I suffer from depression - have done for years now but I seem to be managing okay I guess with my medication. I still have up & down days (everyone does) but my down days are DOWN days.

For the past few years I have had a problem with attachments. With support workers, mentors, counsellors etc. I've always had someone to talk to and be there but I'm formed an attachment with them and its been hard for the time with them to come to an end.

Recently I've just moved out of a Hostel after being there for 2 years. I got really attached to my key worker. Then she left. When she left I fell apart. She was there almost every day and supported me, told me off when I did things wrong and gave me those lectures - everything a parent is really meant to do. Its hard to manage without her and I feel so lost that I havnt got her there anymore.

I try not to get so attached but recently I spoke to a my CPN and she she says it's asif I look to those professionals as a parental figure, due to the relationship I didnt have with my own parents when I was younger (Bare in mind Im now 22 and attachments have affected me for years)

Has anyone else gone through this? And How have you managed?

29-10-12, 20:31
Hi Louise,

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you'll find some great advice and support on here.

I can somewhat relate to your experiences of attachment. Like yourself I have and still get quite attached to authority figures, but if they have to leave, I feel such a huge letdown and betrayal. I think a lot of it is to do with trust. I don't tend to open up to anyone, so when I have someone like an authoritive figure that I begin to trust and open up to, I get quite attached, because they are actually listening to me, supporting me and giving me advice. I wasn't exactly close to my parents and couldn't talk to them about anything. I've never looked at it like that, but maybe I get attached because I subconciously see them as a parental figure. Very interesting. Sorry I can't give you any advice on how I've managed with it, because I'm still struggling. Hopefully there are others on here who maybe able to relate too.

Take care


29-10-12, 20:38
That is exactly what happens with me. Thanks for your comment, at least I know it's not only me.

30-10-12, 04:38
I imagine this is very common. I always end up feeling a bit let down at the end of it all, but I know it's just me and no one elses fault. Last time I had depression I couldn't face the trauma of counselling again and just took the ADs instead which worked better for me. I know that wouldn't work for everyone though.

31-10-12, 18:43
Yeah, I experience the same thing. I get very attached to people and then feel very let down and hurt if I lose contact with them. Not sure what to advise though. Could you work through it with therapy?

oh no_1
31-10-12, 20:15
gosh thanks so much for putting this on<
in past when i have been good we tired to end counselling twice now and just ended up coming back after very short space of time and feeling worse than ever, so me and counsellor decided to just keep trying to make the gap wider between sessions, even if it gets to once every 3 month! cnt see it but she said she can and then i always got that in my life, she said she got someone who sees her just once a year now!!!