View Full Version : Vomitting and Nausea

11-08-06, 14:59
Hiya all

I searched for this topic but I couldn't find anything.

Anyway my boyfriend and I split up for a month last May (we're back together) and he took it badly. He was vommiting every day and he couldn't keep any food down. Since we've been back he has stopped vommiting (only does it when drunk now) but does sometimes, on occasions, when he is down to see me. He also complains of feeling sick randomly when he is visiting me but he feels fine ten minutes later.

I associated this with anxiety but he says that mentally he feels fine but it's his body. I'm not sure why he keeps experiencing these, we both know that we are fine together and we have no problems with our relationship.

Thank you

AKA Scooter Girl

11-08-06, 17:58
sounds like anxiety to me,,,,i have experienced it i seen my son do it when he got nervous and someothers once he gets relaxed hes fine so i would say anxiety since it does start in the belly first...wish u the best............Linda[8D]

11-08-06, 18:10
Anxiety sometimes makes me really nauseous but I've never thrown up. That is probably because I have an iron stomach due to having to deal with all the gross things that goes along with having kids - haha
Has he been to the doc about it? Probably would help to at least ease his mind a little.

11-08-06, 18:19
Thanks for the replies ^_^

He was saying that he wanted to go, his parents forced him to go when this all started but he refused. I want him to go just so he can stop being ill, I feel guilty that he comes down to see me then he starts feeling ill.

AKA Scooter Girl

23-08-06, 01:44
Hi Jade :D

This was Hannah's main symptoms when she was young, hers was anxiety.

Jade, is there any pattern to this vomiting [?] what I mean is can you put a time or a place to when it happens or does it just come out of the blue, you have to monitor it over time to see if theres a pattern, if its anxiety there is always a reason why it happens. I would defo tell him to get checked over by his GP, peace of mind goes along way.

Let us know how things go.