View Full Version : Pain on left side lower rib area :(

30-10-12, 08:16
Well I have gone from not posting in months to posting twice in a week :(

I am having issues with lymph nodes waiting to be rescanned in a month to see if they have gone down. Now I am having constant rib pain, it's like on my left side and goes from under my rib to down towards my ovary area.

It almost feels like trapped wind but it constantly aches and isn't relieved by anything. I was only at the doctors yesterday and did mention this to him but was to busy going on about lymph nodes and lymphoma.

Then I did some googling and have realised that my pain is in the area of the spleen and that the spleen is commonly affected in lymphoma.

Does anyone else get this constant rib ache or do I really have a reason to be worried???

30-10-12, 09:56
I get this too! I am also worried about lymph nodes and lymphoma so I literally do feel your pain! Mines has been like this for a while, probably a few months now, and is finally easing a bit. It feels like something is stuck there! I posted about it last night actually.

30-10-12, 10:05
I understand that you are worried, but I think that you are only focusing "too much" (like I do, too) on what you feel.

I am worried about lymphoma myself, because of my itching that doesn't go away, I've had it for months. But until a month ago I was more worried that it came from my liver. I also felt pain in the liver area. Then I had liver tests done and everythinh was ok, and since then I don't feel the pain in that area any more. Not at all! So it was all in my mind.

(Now I am obsessing about a lymph node above my collar bone and i am touching it so often that I'm afraid it will get bigger because of that and I will freak out even more...it is less that 1 cm now but I can't stop worrying about it and touching it. Even though I know that doctors usually don't worry about that size.)

I am sure that your left side pain is "nothing". Just as my right side pain was! I really did feel it, and it really did hurt, but when I stopped worrying about my liver, I stopped noticing the pain.

30-10-12, 12:16
Thank you for your replies. I have really relapsed and am hating being back at the prime of my ha. Googling lymphoma, enlarged spleen and even reading patient stories of how people became diagnosed with lymphoma.

Is it normal to even wake at night and think of the pain and feel it?

It's more of a ache or like an annoying feeling sometimes it had a spasm of pain that makes me hold it.

It feels like indegestion but I have never heard of constant indegestion :(

30-10-12, 12:37
I actually get this a lot and it is really painful! I actually think it is just trapped wind tbh xxx

30-10-12, 13:22
I get this all the time. I also have swollen lymphs that are painful, trouble is I am that obsessed with liver and bowel cancer at the moment, had not stopped to consider lymphoma. I had a ultrasound and apparently my spleen looked fine so the pain was said to be trapped wind or IBS related.

30-10-12, 13:30
I haven't had an ultrasound recently my last one was earlier in this year and I had a laporoscopy earlier in the year too

30-10-12, 13:34
Might be a stupid question, but would enlarged spleen show on a ultrasound?

30-10-12, 15:34
Yes it would, a doctor can apparently normally feel if its enlarged too

---------- Post added at 15:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ----------

Great now I have shoulder pain on the left and that's apparently reffered pain from the spleen...... It has to be lymphoma :(((((;

30-10-12, 16:13
I have had the shoulder and collar bone pain as well!! Plus have what the doctor thinks is a lipoma on collar bone. Having ultrasound for this on Tuesday. Are these small red dots under the skin significant. Just had a bath and noticed small patches on both arms :ohmy: Don't see the GP till next week.

30-10-12, 16:26
I also have large lymph nodes, collarbone pain and pain in lower left ribcage! This is strange! Still, I guess all of us can't have the same serious illness?!

30-10-12, 16:35
No I hope your right. How large are your lymph nodes? X

30-10-12, 17:22
The ones in my groin are mostly pea sized but some are about the size of a 20p then again there may be tissue around it that I am feeling also. Yours?

30-10-12, 20:25
Well the one behind my ear is pea size and the ones in my nexk I can't feel but showed up on ultrasound x

---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:06 ----------

Just been out for dinner had a 3 course meal and 2 glasses of wine was fine then got in the car and my tummy hurt and I had to get my husband to speed home so I could go to the toilet any tmi explode what's that about?! Rib still aches too :(

30-10-12, 23:38
Then you could have some sort of stomach bug or something and that is what is causing your rib cage pain, and the lymph nodes have swollen as your body is fighting off the bug?
Hope you are feeling a bit better.

31-10-12, 07:56
Don't think it's a bug it's happened before but last nite was horrible. It's a bit like ibs tho I haven't been told I have ibs. Ribs still aching today on left side feels like trapped wind but doubting it as has been constant for days xx