View Full Version : Went to the docs....

30-10-12, 13:32
So I went to the docs...A different one again...I have been signed off until Monday and I have been given a note for a phased return..so feeling alot better. I also mentioned my reoccuring boils/scarring and asked if I could be put on the list for a ref to a dermatologist and my GP suggested waiting another month because 3 months of a re-occuring skin complaint isn't long..I beg to differ but I did get a prescription for the dressings that draw out the infection so was pleased with that.

Anxiety wise..Feeling good but still abit tired from flu...Which I also had a jab for today :) I am abit spaced out but not paying too much attention to it.

I also purchased a pumpkin and will be carving him later!! :D
If I can I will attach a photo of the result!! xx

30-10-12, 13:34
Pleased you are able to go back on a phased return. Looking forward to seeing Mr Pumpkin :D

30-10-12, 13:35
Lol! I am going to have a look on Youtube at a tutorial! lol. I wouldn't know where to begin...I do want to see if I can make use of the insides...Seems a waste to just throw it all away! Maybe a soup or something? xx

30-10-12, 13:38
These look good http://www.verybestbaking.com/recipes/32364/old-fashioned-soft-pumpkin-cookies/detail.aspx

30-10-12, 13:43
Now that's what I'm talking about! Thank you Annie! I have an obsession with cookies too! lol xx

30-10-12, 14:12
glad to see you're feeling much better

30-10-12, 14:30
Pleased you got your phased return sorted Lu :) I bought a pumpkin on Sunday which I'm planning to carve tomorrow - I do one every year, and then make muffins from the flesh. I can scan & post the recipe if you'd like it x

30-10-12, 18:56
Yes please! That would be amazing if you could Elle-Kay! I haven't done Mr pumpkin yet as I am not sure what to use to carve him lol. I don't want to waste the flesh so am going to get all the ingredients for cooking tomorrow! Can you post a pic of him once you're done! How exciting! I get such joy out of this kind of thing!! HA! xx

30-10-12, 23:27
I'll do it in the morning for you :) In case you go to the shop first, from memory I think you need:
Pumpkin (duh! lol)
Golden Syrup
Brown sugar
A little baking spice
Possibly baking powder (not sure on that one).

p.s. Last year I got a pumpkin carving kit for £1 from my local supermarket, which has made life much easier than when I used to use the normal kitchen knives! lol It comes with a little tiny serrated saw, which is ideal for cutting through the skin to make the pattern.