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30-10-12, 14:26
im feeling really panicky about the future this afternoon , i was sacked at the same time i got pancrettis about 10 weeks ago , coz of my pancrese ive spent quite a bit of time in hospitol and since ive been out had to spend far to much time indoors , i beleive this has increased my anxiety and also given me a couple of massive panic attacks , im worried the longer im out of work the worse its gunna be when i go to get a job , im scared my panic attacks will increase and i wont be able to function properley. this has got me worrying bigtime what if i cant hold a job down my hole life will be ruined

30-10-12, 14:39
I am feeling the same at the moment. I had an accident in June and have been on the sick since then, the longer I have been off work, the harder it will be for me to go back and I am thinking what If I lose my job and what if I can't get other work because I am too anxious to look for another job...it is such a vicious cycle. Realistically though I know I should be thinking more positively and working on getting myself well again. I think it is the same with you...we need to think about ourselves, wait until we feel better physically and then think about work. My doctor told me yesterday that I am expecting too much too soon and I think this may be the case with you too. :hugs:

30-10-12, 14:54
yeh its not the best situation to be in , although i seem to remember being here years ago, physically i dont think im far of retuning to work but mentally i feel a million miles away. i lost my old job so its even worse as i have to start a new one , ive been very ill latley mentally and the meeting i went to last night said not to be to hard on ones self so what am i doing today beating myself up about the fact i dont think i can work.
last year my gp had 3 months of work with anxiety so i guess it can happen to anyone , why cant i just chill and realise its gunna take a bit of time to get well

30-10-12, 14:59
I am exactly the same...I told work I would go back next week even though my hubby was telling me I am no where near ready. I then got so stressed and panicky that he had to call the doctor out yesterday. I have realised now that this is going to take time and my health is more important than work. Money may be a worry but we will manage somehow. Give your body time to heal and don't think about work until you feel well again mentally and physically. A physical illness creates havoc with our anxiety. I was in plaster cast for 3 months and stuck in the house and even now struggling to walk. :hugs:

30-10-12, 15:15
couldnt agree more although pancrtitis has nothing to do with the brain ever since i got it my mental health has gone right down hill, the fact that ive been indoors for so long has really not helped guess i have to put the thought of work on the back burner , do you think your illness has made u slightly agraphobic ? it has to me before what came naturally to me like going on the bus into town is a real mission , i use to be like this years ago got over it all and now its back again

30-10-12, 15:29
It has, I was stuck in the house for so long and couldn't drive with a plaster cast on. My hubby works away a lot so I was going some days without seeing anyone then I got to be scared to go out. I have been out a couple of times since and really want to be out but too anxious to do it at the moment.

30-10-12, 18:56
i feel your pain i got myself so worked up about going for a short walk when i actually did it was an absolute nightmare this savo, walked past my local where one of my friends was drinking had a chat with him felt totally paranoid , and quickly moved on got half way round my walk and had to turn back as i could feel the panic rising, got home totally gutted feel a complete letdown

30-10-12, 18:58
Don't beat yourself up...you have gone through a lot...little steps at a time :hugs:

30-10-12, 19:36
thats what i keep trying to tell my pea brain that i have to take one small step at a time , its just upsetting when you cant do a 30 min walk without rushing home i feel drained this evening just from the pure stress ive put myself through today, surely i must get better soon

30-10-12, 19:40
You will...you are like me, trying to push yourself too much and too soon. At least you can run home...I still can't walk very well after my foot fracture so can't run anywhere! :roflmao: Don't worry we will get there, just give it more time and don't beat yourself up :hugs:

30-10-12, 20:07
i no your right it was only august when i was doing what i wanted when i wanted i feel trapped in this house it gets very lonely , the days drag on i actually felt better when i was in hospitol at least then i had someone to talk to

30-10-12, 20:12
Just keep setting yourself little goals but don't beat yourself if some days you can't achieve them :)

30-10-12, 20:25
its just not easy when u think your going crazy

30-10-12, 20:40
You are not going crazy..you are just expecting too much too soon..You will get there you just need to accept that it will take time. You are just recovering from a physical illness that would knock anyone back any way :hugs:

31-10-12, 09:09
yeh i guess i have to stay more in the moment , not working is not a good thing for me as i have to much time on my hands to think negative things , when i wake i feel pretty good then my anxiety tends to build during the day as my mind wonders

31-10-12, 13:49
not coping very well today im full of anxiety about the future im no good at taking it day by day im picturing myself working in a shop today and having to run home due to a panic attack, cant block this negative thought out of my head, i dont physically feel 100 % recovered from my pancretitis perhaps this has something to do with my low mood