View Full Version : New User - Feeling Low

30-10-12, 15:32
hi everyone,

i was prescribed Citalopram 20mg by my doctor today to help me combat depression but i am really concerned by the side effects that i have read about which is making me wonder if i should start taking them

i have been feeling very fragile recently which has caused me to burst into tears or explode into a fit of rage at the drop of a hat

my paranoia knows no bounds and i am constantly anxious about something, i just dont know what!

i really want to beat this on my own without the help of the meds but im really struggling, does anyone have some advice?

i am sick of being told its all in my head


laura x

30-10-12, 15:43
Hi *laurajaney*

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-10-12, 15:44
Hi Laura
I am not on Citalopram but am on Fluxotiene which is a similar drug, I am not saying that the side effects were easy as I was really up and down for the first 5 weeks and hit rock bottom at times however since then I have improved week by week and now feel like me again. I have never been on tablets for depression or anxiety until August however since having an infection it started all this off for me, looking back I had been very teary like you but put it down to losing my dad in March which I think maybe was a trigger, I have a fantastic husband and 3 grown boys and these feelings were so alien to me however the tablets have given me back me!!!

The support I have had from people on this website got me through the side effects and the way I was feeling, I know at the moment it is the medication that is making me better.

Janine xx

30-10-12, 16:02
hello laurajaney. (hope i got that right sorry if i havent). i was put on citalapram(hope i got that one right to) few years back for my anxiety and panic attacks. my doctor told me to just take when needed. then he put me on a couple of more and i was like you i was too scared to take them. so i thought tomyself ill come of them so doctor weand me off them and i felt so weird and out of it. but anyway i wanted to help myself and even though its been a long journy i am alot better not 100% but i can handle things better like if and when i have panick attacks i stil have that scared uncomfortable weird feeling but it don,t go into a full blown panic. as a said its been a long journey but i,you,we can manage,handle it. we am all strong who suffer these problems NOT WEAK. keep strong head up and you do whats best. good luck. im here if you want to speak. x:

30-10-12, 16:02
hi i would just like to :welcome: you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-10-12, 16:18
thanks for your kind words guys

i am really scared to take the pills but i am also scared that if i dont things might just get worse

it all started around March of this year - we had just moved into a new flat and i had to get a new car as mine had broken down and couldnt be repaired - the cost of these 2 things weighed heavily on me and since then i havent been able to get back on my feet financially

i try so hard to remember that its just money but everytime i struggle to pay for something i panic and that triggers such bad feelings

i have pushed so many people away from me with my 'bad and negative' attitude that i now feel so lonely and afraid a lot of the time

i try to be positive and it works for maybe a day or 2 but then something will happen which makes me slip back into the dark corner of my mind - this is when i frighten myself with my thoughts

i really just dont know what to do :(

Laura x

30-10-12, 16:35

It has to be your decision, I know that they have worked for me but everyone is different, only you know how you feel now and whether it is worth a try, it may not be easy but you are already feeling bad now.

It is just money but it is hard sometimes to get things out of our head and then take it out on others but you cannot help it because of the way you are feeling.

30-10-12, 17:14
Thanks Janine

Just had a run in with my boss which has really stressed me out and made me very anxious right before home time :(

My dad has gone out and got me a pumpkin to carve tonight so hopefully that will take my mind off things!

Laura x

30-10-12, 17:15
Welcome to the forums Laura. :) I'm sure you'll find plenty of help here.

I've replied to your concerns about medication in the citalopram sub-forum. If you want to PM me please feel free.

31-10-12, 20:49
Hi there

I was on Citalopram for a number of years for anxiety/panic attacks and they worked well for me. I don't recall any side-effects to speak of either. Sadly they stopped working for me recently so am now having to find an alternative med which is not proving easy. Everyone responds differently to different meds that's the trouble it's a blimmin minefield lol. It's not a sign of weakness to take tablets, we all need a bit of help sometimes and trust me you aren't alone with your anxiety. Hope you're enjoying your pumpkin carving :D

01-11-12, 11:51
:welcome: Laurajaney!

01-11-12, 15:21
Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that i am having a good day today

Had a little stressy panic at lunch but a quick chat with my boyfriend sorted it all out

So far so good - i just hope it stays this way! :)

Laura x

amber angel
02-11-12, 23:29
Hi LauraJaney! I have been on citalopram 20mg for a couple of months now. I found the first couple of weeks i actually felt a lot worse. I still get anxious sometimes and also occasionally still get the horrible dark thoughts! I feel they have worked to stop things getting really bad but wouldn't say they cure everything. I have just started counselling and quite enjoyed it. Have you thought of trying that?

08-11-12, 15:44
im on day 4 of my 20mg dose of Citalopram and my teeth are killing me! i have had really bad symptoms today - shaking, dizzy spells, weak, inability to sit still, ear ache (probably from the sore teeth), nausea and severe drowsiness.

feel really really bad :weep:

i hope that it dies off by saturday as i have a wedding to attend!

has anyone else had these symptoms?

Laura x

08-11-12, 16:39
Hi Laurajaney,
Hope you are managing to cope with the side effects from the citalapram. I took this 4 years ago and found the SE quite difficult to cope with but when the tablets kicked in they lifted my mood and I was so better able to deal with my anxieties. I had counselling too which helped. Hope this helps you,
Annip x

fozzy is crying
08-11-12, 16:40

08-11-12, 18:11
im on day 4 of my 20mg dose of Citalopram and my teeth are killing me! i have had really bad symptoms today - shaking, dizzy spells, weak, inability to sit still, ear ache (probably from the sore teeth), nausea and severe drowsiness.

feel really really bad :weep:

i hope that it dies off by saturday as i have a wedding to attend!

has anyone else had these symptoms?

Laura x

I'm on 10mg but I did have side effects like inability to sit still, feeling fidgety, feeling drowsy (although for the first 3 nights I hardly slept at all), feeling nauseous (which meant that I hardly ate anything for the first few days). The side effects did wear off for me in less than a week.

I hope you'll feel better by the weekend and that you'll enjoy the wedding.

You should be proud of yourself that you've taken the first steps to overcome your depression/anxiety. :yesyes:

09-11-12, 10:44
thanks for your support guys

the s/effects are not as strong today which is good but i still dont feel well enough to drive or walk for long distances

i also have a strange feeling in my throat, as if i have strained it somehow, its very odd!

have a long car journey to the wedding later today so i hope that this leaves me a bit of rest time (im not driving of course, my boyfriend is haha)

hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend also

Laura x

11-11-12, 10:30
Hi Laura, Hope the wedding all went ok.
Does the feeling in your throat feel like a lump every time you swallow. If so I had (and still do get ) this. I saw a consultant because of this, had tests and a scan and was diagnosed with Globus hystericus! he said it is because of stress and anxiety. Look it up online and it will tell you all about it.
Anni x

11-11-12, 11:45
:welcome: xx

13-11-12, 16:21
Hi Anni,

Yes it feels exactly like that - its very odd!

The doctor upped my dosage to 40MG today as he said he didnt feel it was working well enough on 20MG

So far no side effects except a headache and dry mouth which are easy enough to cope with

fingers crossed!