View Full Version : Propranolol and redoing driving lessons?

30-10-12, 16:56
I'm considering doing more lessons again..I sat 4 tests about 2 years ago but failed and gave up due to anxiety..I would get nervous and not sleep each night and not go out.

But before that I had stopped my propranolol as I never really needed them anymore. I'm not too bad panic wise these days and considering stopping them again anybody else stopped them and is it better to do so if I don't need them?

And I'm worried if I do more lessons I will get anxiety..what should I do?

30-10-12, 17:05
You can only try? :) x

30-10-12, 17:31
I agree with Laura, if you have got to the stage where you are seriously considering taking lessons again, you must think that you are ready for the challenge. Nothing ventured nothing gained.:D

30-10-12, 18:47
I nearly gave up taking driving tests as I just got so nervous and felt I would mess everything up. I finally passed my test on my 7th attempt. I also took beta blockers to help with the nerves. You can do it!