View Full Version : So worried. Feel ill and exhausted. Help quickly please?

31-10-12, 05:59
I've got a cold, which as usual, spreads into other places due to being asthmatic. Its spread to my chest, throat, sinuses and my ears.

Firstly, I just had a stabbing pain in my ear along with a clear watery discharge coming out of the ear. Ok I know this could be an ear infection, but I'm thinking the worst!

Now the main thing. I have an awful sore, tickly throat which looks very swollen and can hardly swallow. I keep getting "spasms" where I am literally unable to breathe for a second, and I'm TERRIFIED it will happen for longer in my sleep :( its nearly 6am here and I'm exhausted but can't sleep because of it!

I've drunk a ton of water and chamomile tea today but nothing seems to bring it down. We have no honey here, and I am unable to gargle (would try salt water otherwise. Tried it earlier and just ended up choking on it haha)

Any help would be great. So worried about it :(

31-10-12, 06:12
Sounds like you have a terrible cold. No fun.
Sometimes those spasms are caused by being anxious. The glory of sleep is that while doing it, you're not anxious. So you should be just fine. Also nothing like some good sleep to help your body heal.
Hot water with lemon is good, and some good cough drops.
I had bronchitis last year and coughed 24/7.. It was awful, I used Hebron cough drops, and finally found some relief for some sleep. I'm in canda though, so don't know if you have those in the uk.
Any ways, don't fret, a nasty cold will get better shortly. You'll be okay. Try and take care of yourself and give sleep another go.

31-10-12, 13:50
Thank you for your reply!

Well, I managed to get to sleep in the end. Throat is still very swollen and now I've lost my voice. I do actually drink honey and lemon water but we have none but I'm going to get some today as I really find that helps my throat so much. Pretty sure it's sped up the time I heal from chest and throat infections in the past!

I'm hoping that after my honey and lemon water that I'll feel a bit better :)

31-10-12, 13:53
I've had sore throat, aching body and sniffles for the last few days. It really hurt when I swallowed and felt like my throat was closing. I got some Corvonia medicine for tickly cough and have Tyrozets & a spray for my throat.