View Full Version : Incoming panic attack? Nice try :)

31-10-12, 06:31
Hello everyone! First of, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Brannon & I've been dealing with anxiety & panic attacks since Aug 1st 2012. My first month was bad because I didn't exactly know what was going on & I was just really afraid so I was losing the battle, until I found a way to counter the sucker.

When I feel one creeping on me, I would either get up and walk around and think of a song that I like in my head and let it take over my mind until the feeling goes away. If you're sitting down at a meeting and cannot really get up, what you do is look on the floor, breathe slowly and think about something else, like your favorite anime.. or song.

The reason panic attacks occur, according to me, is because you force yourself to believe something is out of the ordinary and it gets in your head until that one thought, your own, convinces yourself that you're inbound for an attack. Most of the time nothing is wrong, it's just that we think all day long & our mind is focused on something out of the ordinary. I guarantee when you're having a ball playing a game or dancing to music, whatever it is, you forget that there's such a thing called a panic attack until that one thought slips into your head or you stop doing what you doing.

All we can do is remember that we're fine & always have a wonderful state of mind. 75% of the day I'm always occupying myself with something entertaining. Writing this is entertaining and occupying me :). In the real world I have awesome friends, I skate, I do karate, art, pet animals, go to school. On the internet I love to watch video streams, socialize and many more. Well you get the point.. I always have something to occupy myself with that makes me happy and forget about my problems. That's how I WIN. Sitting in a quiet room will probably freak me out.. even when I go to sleep I have the TV on or the radio with wonderful tunes occupying my mind while I dose off.

This post was a little long but I hope you get the big picture. Get involved & have fun. :yahoo:

31-10-12, 07:41
A warm :welcome: to you Hero.

31-10-12, 09:07
Hi :welcome:

31-10-12, 09:12
hi Brannon :welcome:

31-10-12, 09:29
I love this post, good for you that's a great way to think, you are your own cbt therapist, keep it up x

31-10-12, 18:04
god i wish it was that simple for me

01-11-12, 07:12
Welcome! I have started a similar thing.. When I feel a panic coming on I say either inside or out loud... "bring it on, whatever!" and I smile. Sounds bonkers, but it's really helping. Panic can only occur if you fear it.. I've been here before many times and NEVER come to any harm. Its nothing! It has no power without me fueling it. So I refuse to do that. Come on panic, do your worst, because there is nothing I can't deal with :) :) x