View Full Version : missed beats

11-08-06, 20:46
Here I am again on missed heart beats. I was just wondering if you can think yourself into having them. Can worring about them bring tham on if you focus on them all the time?

12-08-06, 09:13
Definately, Last night in fact, I was lying in bed watching T.V. and not having any eptopics, when it occured to me that I was in fact not having any, when BOOM, they appeared out of the blue. One after another. So yes, when you start to think about them they appear. I got up and made myself a drink, took my mind off them for a while , then they went. Hope this is reasuring?

Lisamarie x

12-08-06, 14:46
hi debera

i also think that they happen when you think about them .
i used to only get them when i went to bed i never seemed to get any sleep and was on the phone to the doctors at times in the night ,now they happen in thr daytime and not so bad at night i have been shoping today with my little girl and hubby i was in a shop and got about three all at one time i just wanted to get in the car and go home i was the same last week when we went to beamish for the day i think now i feel as though they are going to happen every saturday when we go out and i am thinking of them befor we go out i know the next step will be that i put of going anywere on a weekend its is nasty and getts a hold if we dont stop it .
i am going to have a blood test on the 15th this month to see if its my thyroid or animia ect
well i hope you feel better soon but from this you will see there are lots just like you are not alone .
jodie x

12-08-06, 14:55
you can bring on almost about any symptom if you think about it too much debs and i know that fearing and thinking about this one can definitely bring it on

hard to not think about it i know


12-08-06, 14:58
I was just wondering how long your missed heart beats can last. Mine can last along time sometimes. Of course I go into a panic when I get them. They are not pleasant at all.
Love Debera

12-08-06, 15:15
hi debera

i get them every day as i sead but when my dad was on a life support a few months ago and things were stresfull i had a night when i got about 2 a min all night and when i got up they were still there in fact i am getting them as i write this i do get them loads


12-08-06, 19:56
Hi Jodie
Mine started when My Mother died in March. I guess allot of stress can bring them on. I hope your Father is doing ok now. Please pm me if you ever need to talk or having a bad day.
Love Debera

13-08-06, 01:39