View Full Version : Drugged tiredness

31-10-12, 08:25
Hi I have got this back again. In the evening I can be fine watching the tv and then suddenly I feel like I have been drugged. The feeling is awful and I have to either fight it and move around or have a nap. Could it be blood sugar. I am not diabetic.
I often get it watching a film.
Thanks Angie

31-10-12, 08:38
This is a hard question to answer. I take trankamazin which is the same as valium but much stronger and would make you tired,depending on dosage. The trouble is that if you have been on diazepam for so long it becomes addictive and one becomes dependant on it and sometimes people increase the dose so that the effect is maintained.
You don't say how long you have been off the drug,but though I am no doctor i would expect you to go cold turkey for a while if you are now drug free.
I would talk to your GP.