View Full Version : whats your main/worst symptom?

11-08-06, 21:42
its juju here
i was wondering what peoples main symptoms or worst symptoms are?
mine is the racing heart and shakiness the most
just being nosy again
thanks juju

we are all stronger people after having this

11-08-06, 21:54
probably the unreal feeling - esp when driving !!

........life is for living not just for surviving

11-08-06, 22:52
Hi Juju

Mine is the unreal feeling and feeling i am going to faint.



11-08-06, 23:25
Hi Juju,

I think mine would have to be the ibs symptoms.

Take Care



11-08-06, 23:34
Hard one , think mine has to be the fast heart and lumpy throat. Sorry, two.xx


11-08-06, 23:55
Feeling the hot heat of pure terror wash over me when I go out for absolutely no reason at all. So I guess I am saying the unwelcome surge of adrenaline!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-08-06, 23:59
Having to hold the walls when I walk at times get that dizzy, and this stupid health anxiety. Piglet my babe, I always smile when i see (Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought. )
LOL I love that one

12-08-06, 00:16
DP/DR defo that, it's the worst feeling of anxiety but am able to cope some what with it now.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

marie ross
12-08-06, 11:33
Mine would have to be the dizziness and feeling like i'm going to faint.

Horrible - i could be sooooo relaxed and happy and BANG there it is - it just comes out of nowhere.

Take care.

Marie XXX

12-08-06, 12:12
Difficult to pick the worst sympton but think I would have to say it's the feeling of blood draining from my face (the first warning I have that panic attack is imminent). I feel like I've gone really pale, but probably haven't. Anyone else have this??

Kay x

12-08-06, 12:30
mine would have to be (theres so many to pick from!)..the horrid chest tightness and racing heart...the feeling like you are gonna have a heart attack!!
take care

12-08-06, 12:34

Adrenaline kick and fear of loosing control, linked to going mad.


12-08-06, 12:38
Hi there

My worst symptons are the nausea and the felling that i am going to faint.


12-08-06, 15:06
the sick feeling when a panic attack is starting. the feeling that i'm not there in person but looking on at whats happening \9soory not a very good description)


12-08-06, 15:06
mine is the horrid eptopic heart beats ,flips they are so nasty .

jodie x

12-08-06, 16:22
The feeling like I'm going to forget how to breathe
and the dr/dp I hate when this look one dimensional or not real.

12-08-06, 16:26
mine would be pains in chest as i have a terrible fear of having a heart attack and also that horrible feeling as though you are going to faint and also dizzyness

take care


12-08-06, 16:49
well i think my worse symptoms is the sudden rush of adrenalin, like all of the sudden i get hotflushes and the uncontrollable shaking.
twiglet xxx

12-08-06, 17:09
mine has got to be the feeling im about to loose control especially when driving ur in town on my own and that unreal feeling

t motown

12-08-06, 18:50
lightheadedness, excessive sweating, heart flutters
love Helen

12-08-06, 20:02
mines dizzyness!!! kaz x

12-08-06, 20:45
mines the panic breathing - hyperventilation - I can cope with anything if my breathing is under control. wenjoy x

12-08-06, 21:05
Definitely the tension and accompanying pains in the chest muscles. I only think one thing even after all these years!!

12-08-06, 21:09
does anyone get a crawling burning hot sensation rising up your body, like your skin is on fire? makes me feel sick.
thanks for all your replies, its interesting to see how all bodies/brains etc are alike to give out the same symptoms with everyone isnt it?

we are all stronger people after having this

13-08-06, 00:02

I think for me it is the choking lump feeling in my throat accompanied by hyperventilating which makes me feel like I am dying because I cannot breath, with palpatations at the same time, and urgency to go the loo for number 2 (I suppose that is where that common phrase comes from, when you are scared!!!) That is a big bad symptom for me, not one I usually admit to, and yes I get a hot burning flush sensation, DP/DR the list goes on. I think most of the symptoms are unbearable perhaps for me the least distressing is sweating, which doesnt always happen.


13-08-06, 08:44
Mine would have to be the exrutiating headaches that make me feel like I'm about to drop dead.

"This too, shall pass"

13-08-06, 13:39
mine is definetly hyperventalating and then gettin the sysmptoms that come from that................Linda[8D]

13-08-06, 17:08
I guess mine is the unreal feeling, coupled with tightness across my chest and down one arm (and feeling so out of control).

Ho Hum


13-08-06, 17:23
hi its juju
oh my godddd ive agreed to go to see westlife in concert with my sister on the 25th aug (belated b/day pres) crowds, queing, long way from home etc-but im gonna do it, wish me luck***

we are all stronger people after having this

13-08-06, 17:50
Hi Juju

If your sister knows partially what you are going through, then that ought to be a good source of support.

I have my own issues regarding four flights home, packing and dealing with a young child as well. Sometimes (not always) it helps to look upon other members and see what they have achieved.

Try to enjoy the concert. Even if you dont you will have achieved something by simply going.

Take care of yourself.


13-08-06, 19:18
Hi Juju, well done on taking the first step and agreeing to go to the concert. I did the same thing once, agreed to go to Wembley Stadium to see the Eagles then started worrying that the anxiety would be so bad I wouldnt make it. I did get very stressy the week before but on the day something took over and the stress and nerves turned to excitement. I had the best day ever. I smiled all day/night and enjoyed it so much I actually went back to the stadium a year later to see Celine Dion. Think positive and I'm sure you will end up having a great time

Good luck

Clare (",)

13-08-06, 19:30
without a doubt mine is the constant head pressure that gets worse during the day so by the end of it you are trying to talk to people at work without showing signs of panic and fear and trying to calm yourself down and tell yourself that you are not going to pass out!

13-08-06, 21:03
Mine is feeling like I cant breathe....Nothing much else matters when you cant breathe........or you THINK you cant breathe!


13-08-06, 23:23
thanks for the advice i was worrying that i might be pushing myself a bit too much too soon, but is there ever a right time? my sis gets panicky when surrounded by people too, cos she has asthma, plus she knows all what i go through, and has already told me if u want to stop and get out the car we will stop, and if you want to go outside in the conc we will. so thats some comfort. i am imagining it will be fantastic when i feel panicky bout it and it calms me down
i am excited though, it will be a challenge that i have to face cos i want to get better


we are all stronger people after having this

14-08-06, 00:04
Good for you and I am glad your sister is supportive. Try not to feel guilty if you need to ask your sister to pull over etc. I know I feel a lot of guilt as my husband carries the load - especially as we are still in the UK. I believe that in the future I can make it up to him but in the meantine I need to lean on those who care for me.

I am sure the concert will give your mind respite. Ironically, I find the "worse rides" give me respite as I cant think and scream at the same time!

Take care

Fran XX

14-08-06, 09:37
MIne has to be the dizzyness, head pains that i get and the unreal feeling.
Constantly worried that i have a tumour!

Hay x

14-08-06, 13:16
My worst symptons was chest tightness and cold hands/feet and a numb face.