View Full Version : I think something is wrong with my heart!!!! HELP!!

31-10-12, 11:58
For the past couple of weeks i been feeling a bit of tightness in my chest, i now have pains in my chest, and over all my heart doesn't feel right and im so scared. Sometimes I think the pain is going to my shoulder on my left side which is common with people with cardiac problems. I am shaking im so scared that something is wrong with my heart. I feel sick to my stomach and just not right. I have been seeing flashing lights too. I told my parents and they seem to be a lot more scared than I am and its making me even scared since there might be soemthing actually wrong. My heart beats so hard and fast every day and i can see it popping out of my skin. Im starting to think its enlarged and going to burst or something. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I feel like i cant breathe right or im not getting full breaths of air. My eyes feel tired and weird and I dont know whats going on. Im 16 and excercise daily I dont think there should be anything wrong with my heart but im convinced there is soemthing wrong. Im so scared that i can barely get my words out and spell correctly. I asked my mom to take me to the doctors but im scared they will actually find some cardiac problem. I feel weaker than usual in both my arms and legs and my head feels heavy. I just missed another day of school. I dont know what to do some one please help me!!!!

31-10-12, 12:11
hi I to have the horrible tightness in my chest and my heart pounding and racing all these things you are discribing are part of anxiety it can do alsorts to you ,and the more you focus on your chest the worse it will feel ,you really need to go and see your doctor who im sure will help you ,we have all been there its scarey ,you need to start relaxing aswell that will help you ,but please go and speak to your gp im sure its anxiety hope you start to feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

31-10-12, 12:19
Hi Clank,

To reassure you, I would expect you are in good health and this is just anxiety. I have had these exact same symptoms with my anxiety.

But you should go and see a doctor. They can check you out and reassure you at the least, if there is anything more you will be starting to get it sorted out. I know your scared but be brave and you will be much happier when you have done it.

31-10-12, 12:22
I am probably going to the doctors today since i missed another day of school. Im so scared that they will find something that is actually dangerous and it will screw up the rest of my life. I don't know how this is anxiety. My heart doesn't feel right. It feels achy and tight and not normal. I feel so weak, and i feel like my breathing isn't right. I'm so scared I don't even know if i can make it to the doctors

31-10-12, 12:32
Thats good that you are going to the doctors.

Anxiety is a powerful thing, if you read a symptoms list you will find all sorts of things and it is quite amazing what anxiety can do to a person.

If I was you, I would concentrate on calming down. Dont worry yourself by thinking the worst. Many people have gone to the hospital thinking they were having a heart attack, when in fact it was just a panic attack or anxiety and yes they have lots of physical symptoms.

Last week I thought I was having a massive asthma attack and that I would die. I went to the hospital and they said "anxiousmal you are fine" I immediatly calmed down and went home.

Dont scare yourself. Im sure everything will be ok.

31-10-12, 12:39
Yes. I know its probably rare that there is something wrong with my heart, Im just scared that i may be that 1% that does have something wrong with their heart. Im scared its just going to one day stop. Just all of suddenly just stop. My heart just feels so achy and not normal. I swear I have a cardiac problem im unaware of.

31-10-12, 12:53

You may or may not have a cardiac problem. You dont know either way, constantly worrying about it is not going to help you. Of course your scared, its natural.

Dont jump to conclusions, go see the doctor and see what they say.

31-10-12, 13:03
Hi Clank, (Ratchet and Clank is an awesome game! :D)

Chances are of you having some serious issues with your heart is low, since you're still very young.

However, since you seem to be really concerned about this, I'd make an appointment to see a doctor and have them perform some tests. You'll feel so much better when you find out that there was nothing to worry about. :)

31-10-12, 13:14
I am pretty concerned about my heart. I have been on this worry for about 4-5 weeks and been having chest pains and chest tightness for the same amount of time off and on. I'm pretty sure my heart would of gotten severely worse in 4-5 weeks time I don't know, im not familiar with cardiac problems and don't feel like googling them any time soon. Probably going and getting some tests done is a good idea for reassurance. but what if they actually do find something wrong? Not sure if i would rather know i have something wrong, or just worry i have something wrong.

P.S (I love the game series :D )