View Full Version : advice anybody?

31-10-12, 12:35
Hello ive been seeing a psychologist at home through the nhs and i get on really well with her find her very caring and easy to talk too.But because she is a very busy lady she has said il only have 1 more session with her alone and then the following week she is going to come with another lady she is a support worker but a trainee psychologist.She will be taking over from my psychologist and she is there to help me with gradual exposure i.e facing supermarkets,buses.waiting rooms,cars,phones,people,sitting in cafes etc.Im hoping i will like her as ive got really used to rachel my psychologist and i trust her that she wont let anything bad happen to me.Im very worried about this as will i be able to cope?Has anybody else had this help and been given a support worker?did they find it helped them?Rachel thinks il improve more and the symptoms will decrease more if i stay in the places long enough.Any advice would be great.

claire x

31-10-12, 13:08
Hi ClaireUK

I now have my first appointment booked with a psycologist for next week. So I have no experience of it myself. However Im guessing your getting a support worker becuase you are getting better. Im sure its nothing to worry about and everything will be ok.

31-10-12, 14:22
I don't think you have anything to worry about Claire, Rachel would not pass you on to someone she didn't trust to take care of you properly. I agree that with repeated exposure to the situations you fear your anxiety symptoms should decrease over time. It will be difficult, but you will get there in the end.:)

31-10-12, 20:20
Claire, this actually sounds like a really positive thing. You have been working with the psychologist and now you are ready to try out the techniques she has taught you and start going out with your support worker.

It's understandable you are nervous about not seeing your psychologist any more. That's totally normal. Don't be afraid to bring it up in your last session with her. She might have something helpful to say. She probably sees this all the time as she's so helpful.

Good luck!!