View Full Version : Really need help? Vomit travels half way up from stomach all the time??

31-10-12, 12:49
Sorry if I grossed you guys out or anything! But I really need some help/advice.

This happens every single day without fail, and happens every 5-10 minutes or so and can last for ages before it goes for like, 30 minutes and comes back again... It feels as if vomit is coming up from my stomach but then sits at the bottom of my throat. It just goes back down eventually after a few seconds or so as I swallow or just leave it. I don't dry heave or gag or anything like that by the way.. I don't WANT to throw up as I'm a severe emetophobic sufferer) but I'm constantly feeling nauseous...

Funny thing is, I haven't thrown up in about 8 years and don't want to ever again either. I'm also constantly belching, well, I don't know if I can call it a belch since very little air comes up when I do.. These belches have to be forced to get out and sometimes, a bit of liquid comes up with it and I feel something else as well, that's when I stop forcing as I'm convinced I'm going to vomit.

I've been to the doctors several times over this matter and they say it's all 'anxiety related' when I know it's not! I've told my parents and they say 'It's all in your head, you won't be sick. If you was going to throw up, you would have done by now' ... :weep: They think I MAY have acid reflux, but I don't even get a burning sensation in my throat often.. It's more like just regurgitation of food and drink.

I'm only 18 and worried I have developed cancer or something by now since I've had this for a very long time.... Can someone help me please?

Also, since I forgot what it feels like to throw up, can someone explain? I mean, does it sit there in your throat or does it shoot up into your mouth without warning? I'd appreciate it if someone answered this too, thanks.

Oh and Happy Halloween all! :D

31-10-12, 13:31
What you've just described sounds like GERD/GORD. The acid regurgitation can vary as to how far up it comes. In the night I wake up as it comes into my throat but in the day it's my chest. Laying down obviously makes it easier to reach the oesophagus. I would see your Doctor again as Gaviscon, Zantac or Omeprazole will help

31-10-12, 13:40
Hiya bernie1977 and thank you for the reply. :)

I've tried all sorts of medication for Acid Reflux, including - Rennie, Gaviscon and yes, Omeprazole but they didn't have any effect whatsoever. :( My doctor says since none of them have worked, they assume it's anxiety related. Because surely if it was Acid Reflux, at least one of those medications would have worked for me right?

This is why I am concerned, because I think it's something a lot worse than Acid Reflux. Like, cancer or something. :(

31-10-12, 13:41
Yes I would see your doctor, could just be regurgitation though, I get that every now and then. You don't want to be bending over when you regurgitate! Eugh.

31-10-12, 13:45
Yes I would see your doctor, could just be regurgitation though, I get that every now and then. You don't want to be bending over when you regurgitate! Eugh.

Hiya PanchoGoz, thank you for the reply. :)

My next doctors appointment is in 4 weeks time. Should I insist having tests done? Like, an upper endoscopy, barium swallow and blood tests etc?

31-10-12, 13:46
How long where you on Omeprazole for? You don't get instant relief from them. The average course for GERD is 4-6 weeks. When I stopped taking mine the acid reflux came back so I have to take a maintenance dosage everyday. There are other PPI's you can try if Omeprazole wasn't effective. Ranitidine/Zantac is another option.

If you're still concerned you could ask yor Doctor to be referred for a gastroscopy to put your mind at rest

31-10-12, 13:59
I was on Omerprazole for about 3 weeks at least and felt no changes. I will ask my doctor if they can prescribe me with those other medications. I've heard about Zantac and that it is effective, so I'll tell them about that. :)

I'm just worried that nothing will be able to help this issue.

31-10-12, 18:45
I feel like I'm going insane now! I really don't know what it is that's coming up from my stomach. :weep: It happens every few minutes or so, it's driving me nuts. I'm constantly feeling nauseous although I never am sick. It's rather frustrating. :(